Chapter 7

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Ben stormed into his father's office.

"Ben!" said the secretary.

Ben ignored her and continued to his father's office.

"Ben he is in a meeting!" she yelled trying to go after him.

Ben didn't care, he burst through the door.

"Ben!" said his father surprised.

"All this time! You knew why she was hurting and you never said anything! I can't believe you! What you did!" yelled Ben.

"Ben calm down, I have no idea what you are talking about" he said sternly.

"Don't even! How long do you think you could keep it a secret?"

"Ben please. Lets have this conversation later" said his father looking at the two people he was meeting with.

"We can come back later" they said standing up to leave.

"No you don't have to do that. My son is just leaving"

"You're right we are leaving. You cheated on mom! After her sister died! Harper knew and you never did anything about it. You never went after mom, you never told us and you never got Harper help! No wonder she is the way she is!" yelled Ben.

"Ben I can explain!"

"There is no reason too!! Don't expect us to be home when you get there!" yelled Ben turning and storming out of the room.

His father ran after him and grabbed him by the arm

"Don't you dare touch me!"

"You know nothing"

"You're right I don't but I know enough and I don't really care to hear your explanation" and with that Ben ripped away from his father and ran out of the office.

Back at home...

"What the hell is going on??" asked Grace walking in the door "I was pulled out of school for some family emergency? Let me guess the brat did something stupid again?"

"Grace shut up!!" yelled Blaine, "For once in your life, just shut up!"

"God, what the hell is wrong with you?" she replied with attitude.

"Jesus Grace! Dad cheated on mom, thats why she left! Harper knew, she caught dad and told mom. Dad never did anything. Never went after mom, never tried to help Harper. Harper thinks its all her fault! That is why she is the way she is!"

Grace fell silent and sat down on the couch, dropping her backpack next to her.

"I don't understand"

"I'm sorry Grace, I am so sorry."

"All this time...Harper, I didn't know. I was....such an awful sister, we were so close and I didn't know why things changed, why she changed."

"Grace none us knew, except dad."

"Where's Ben?"

"He went to confront dad"


"I know. I don't know what we are going to do"

"We are going to leave?"


"We are going to leave and find mom"

"Grace, we can't just leave"

"Why not? Dad doesn't deserve us, we should find her, find mom"

Blaine just gave her a look.

"Where's Harper?"

"Asleep in your room"

Grace left Blaine in the living room and went to find Harper. When she got in her room, Harper wasn't there.

"Harper?" asked Grace looking around the room. She then went to all the other rooms in the house calling out her name. She couldn't find her and yelled for Blaine.

"Blaine!" yelled Grace.

Blaine came running up the steps "What?"

"She's gone"


"I can't find her anywhere"

Blaine stormed past her and looked in their room. She wasn't there. Blaine looked no the bed. There was a note. He grabbed it and read it aloud.

She deserves someone to come after her

"She's going to find mom" said Grace.

Blaine then begin to frantically look around the room.

"Her backpack is gone"

"So is her bear, the one from mom" said Grace.

"Lets go" said Blaine leading Grace out of the room.

"Where are we going?"

"She couldn't have gotten far" said Blaine as they walked out the door.

"Her long board was against that tree, its gone"

"Call Ben" said Blaine to Grace.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Spencer" said Blaine walking away.

Grace called Ben


"She is gone. I know everything and Harper ran away to find mom"

"What? She left a note, We can't find her."

"I'll be there in 5 minutes"

"Should we call the cops?"


With that Ben hung up the phone and sped up. He was never so angry and scared in his life.

Harper "Fierce" DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now