Chapter 9

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Ben, Blaine and Grace were all sitting on the train. Ben was calling Harper again.

"Straight to voicemail" he said.

"Same with Spencer" said Blaine also hanging up his phone.

"Think he is lying now?"


"Um we have another problem" said Grace 


"Dad called the cops on us"

"What?!" asked Ben and Blaine at the same time.

"Jessica just texted me. He called the cops and said you two kidnapped Harper and me" 

"Oh My God" said Ben rubbing his face forehead with his hands.

"This isn't happening" said Blaine.

"What now?"

"We keep a low profile" said Blaine

"Hopefully no one one this train decides to watch the news" said Ben. 

Meanwhile Spencer and Harper where just pulling into the Chicago train station. There were a bunch of cops on the platform.

"Think they're here for us?" asked Spencer.

"Definitely. My dad always knew where my mom was" said Harper without looking away from the window.

"So how are we gonna get past them?" asked Spencer.

"Distraction" said Harper, pulling out a box of matches from her backpack.

The train came to a stop and they started to get off.

"So do you always carry a matches around in your backpack?" 

"You never know when you'll need them. Now just follow the plan" 

"I'm gonna get arrested for arsine" 

"You're not setting a house on fire, just a trash can" 

"Whatever, its still illegal, why can't you do it?"

"Because they aren't looking for you, they're looking for me. Now go!"

Spencer ran off to put the plan into place, while Harper hid on the train. A few minutes later, Harper heard a bunch of yelling and saw all the cops leave the area. This was her chance and she took of running down the platform and out of the train station, where she met Spencer.

"I said set A trash can on fire, not two!"

"Sorry I had to the throw the hot match somewhere"

Harper rolled her eyes, "lets go" and they headed off down the street to catch a cab.

About 30 minutes later... Ben, Blaine and Grace arrived at the station. 

"There are cops" said Grace.

"Of course, dad probably knew this whole time where mom was" said Ben.

"And fireman" said Grace.

They all looked out the window as the train came to a stop. 

"They all seemed distracted, so we should be fine. Just keep your heads down" said Blaine.

When the train came to a stop they exited the the train, keeping their heads down and walking in a crowd.

"Those trash cans were set on fire, 100% guarantee that was Harper" said Ben.

"Shhhh" said Blaine.

He looked up to see cop eyeing him. Then he and another cop started to walk towards them.

"Run!" yelled Blaine.

All 3 took off running.

"Scatter!" yelled Ben. 

Each one of them went running a different direction. Grace rounded a corner and came face to face with a cop. The cop grabbed her and took her away. Ben and Blaine were around a corner and saw her, she saw them and motioned for them to get out of there. 

"So where are we going?" asked Spencer.

"The bakery" said Harper, "I told you that"

"Harper..." said Spencer.

"What?" she asked in a sassy tone. She was speed walking way ahead of Spencer.

"Wait up" he yelled running after her.

"I know what you're going to say" 

"Look I just want you to be prepared in case, she isn't there"

"She is going to be there" and she then hailed down a cab. 

Harper "Fierce" DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now