Chapter 8

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"Where are we even suppose to start looking for her?" asked Blaine.

"The train station" said Blaine.

"She could go anywhere, be anywhere" said Blaine.

"Blaine! I know, okay, we know. But we have to start somewhere" 

"what did you say Spencer said?" asked Grace.

"He had no idea. Hasn't seen her, hasn't talked to her" said Ben.

"You think he is lying?" asked Blaine.

"No, he looked really scared. I told him not to tell anyone. Just to contact us if he heard anything" 

"Did you tell him?" asked Grace

"He already knew"

"Everything?" asked Grace.

"Ya. Harper told him a long time ago"

"Jesus" said Blaine.

"He said he wouldn't tell anyone and would look for her and try to contact her"

"Please tell me one of you have already tried to call her?" asked Grace.

"Yes. We've tried like 50 times already"

"What is dad going to do when he gets home and we all gone?" asked Grace.

"Enough with the question, Grace!" yelled Ben.

Blaine shot Ben a look "It doesn't matter. And can we please all not fight amongst each other. We are all we got left"

Everyone fell silent. They soon arrived at the train station and got of the car and headed to the ticket window.

"You think Harper knows where mom is? Like you think she told Harper where she was going before she left?" asked Ben.

"Harper is smarter than anyone I've ever met. So I bet she could figure it out" said Blaine.

"That also means if Harper doesn't want to be found. She won't be found" said Ben.

They got to the window.

"Where are headed?" asked the salesman.

"Have you seen a girl about this high" asked Blaine pointing out a height with his hand. 

"She has long strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, probably had a long board with her?"

"Sorry no I just started about 5 minutes, the other guy headed home for the day"

"Great"said Blaine annoyed turning around to this siblings.

"I know"

They turned to Grace "What?"

"I know where she went. Or at least I think I do"


"I often saw her reading this book. The same one. I eventually realized it wasn't a book, it was a journal. Mom's journal. For awhile I didn't care and just ignored it. But eventually I decided to read it. The one thing I remember from it was that mom constantly talked about growing up in Chicago. She especially talked about this one bakery where she worked as a teenager. She wished she could move back there with all of us."

"We are going to Chicago" said Ben. He turned back to the ticket booth window. "3 tickets to Chicago"

Meanwhile Harper was sitting on a train and across from her, Spencer was sitting.

"You brother keep texting me" said Spencer.


"I don't like lying to them"

"You're the king of lying. You're worse then me"

"I don't know about that"

Harper rolled her eyes 

"Thank you though"

"What are best friends for?"

"Hey I don't know about that" Harper smirked.

"Shut up" said Spencer with a laugh.

Harper then got up the grabbed Spencer's phone. She put it on the ground and jumped on it, smashing it to pieces, then did the same thing to her phone.

"Freedom" she said.

Spencer rolled his eyes. 

Then they both laughed. 

Harper "Fierce" DanielsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora