Chapter 5

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It was the next day and Harper was at her locker when Spencer came over. 

"Where's the long board?"

"At home" she said quietly with out any sarcastic comment.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm not joining that soccer team" she said slamming her locker and walking away.

"What? why?" asked Spencer running after her.

"My bitch sister, found out and told everyone. My dad said no" 

"Why did he say no?" he asked. 

She turned around "Would you just let it go!" she said angry.

"Geez okay, relax"

Harper gave him a look and stormed off. 

She was sitting in English class a full 10 minutes before the bell. The bell did eventually ring and Mr. Henricks started talking.

"Okay... we are going to go over The Scarlett Letter that you were all suppose to read by to today"

Everyone sighed.

"Oh come on, I assigned it two weeks ago" he said. 

"Harper? No comment?"

"No its a good book"

Mr. Henricks looked shocked.

"That's all you have to say?"

"It's a classic, a book that all people should read at some point in their lives"

"Hmmm" was all that Mr. Henricks said.

"Well our houses are so close together you can hear everything" said Jazzy giving Harper a smirk.

Harper turned around and shot her a look.

"There was a lot of yelling over there. Oh and throwing things" 

Everyone laughed.

"Enough!" said Mr. Henricks.

Harper stood up and approached her. She laughed. Harper then with all the power she had pushed Jazzy's desk over with her in. She screamed. Then Harper grabbed her bag and stormed out of the room. Before leaving she smacked Jack with her backpack. 

"Harper!" yelled Spencer, he went to go after her.

"Sit down Spencer!" yelled Mr. Henricks, "Everyone sit down and be quiet. Pull a book out and read. I'll be right back. No talking!" 

Mr. Henricks quickly went to the office. Harper was already out the door and heading the down steps. When the loud speaker went off. 

"Harper Daniels please come to the principles office" 

Ben and Blaine shot each other a look.

The first class of the day soon ended. Ben and Blaine were walking down the hall.

"You know what. I don't even wanna know" said Blaine. 

Just then Spencer ran up to them "Blaine! Ben!"

"Great" said Blaine. Ben shot him a look.

"What's going on?" asked Ben.

Spencer was out of breathe "Jazzy....flipped desk, ran away"

"What?" asked Blaine confused. 

Just then the loud speaker went off again " Benjamin and Blaine Daniels please come to principles office"

"Awesome" said Blaine walking away.

"Find Harper, Spencer" said Ben also walking away.

Ben and Blaine got to the office.

"Take a seat" said the principle.

"Today we had an incident and we can't get a hold of your father" 

"Who did Harper hurt now?" asked Blaine.

"No one is seriously hurt thankfully. But she did push over Jasmine Pelk's desk with her in it and hit Jack Henderson in the face with her backpack. There is a bruised elbow and a bloody nose" 

Blaine sighed and rubbed his face his hands. Ben crossed his arms.

"Obviously she was provoked. They are always bullying her"

"Ben!" said Blaine shooting him a look.

"The issue is" said the principle also giving Ben a look. "that she ran out of school after the incident and what Jasmine Pelks told us happened at your house last night?"

"are you kidding me? You heard about something from 14 year old bully and you're gonna listen" 

"Ben!" yelled Blaine, "Shut up!"

Ben was quiet. 

"Listen we would just like an explantation that is it. And talk to your father"

"Okay" Blaine went on to explain what exactly happen last night.

After he was done the principle spoke "I see. I understand things have been hard with Harper and I know that from speaking to your father before. I don't think we need to do anything more about this. But what happened in that English class today does need to be taken care of. I need to get a hold of your father and Harper needs to come back to school."

"Alright. We can get her back her. She probably just went home. Can we skip next period and go get her?" asked Blaine.

"That is fine. I will notify your teachers. Try getting a hold of your father too"

"Will do" said Blaine getting up "Thank you"

Ben got up silently and followed him. Once outside Ben flipped.

"Are you kidding!?!?" 

"Ben! She hurt someone. Two people actually!"

"So what. You don't think she wasn't provoked by that Jazzy girl and that jerk Jack Henderson. You know he is just like this older brother" 

"Stop making excuses for her!"

"I'm not! Its true. We are all clearly not doing something right!"

"Ben. I'm going to go find her before something else happens"

Ben just stood there as he watched Blaine walk away. But then slowly followed him. 

Harper "Fierce" DanielsWhere stories live. Discover now