Chapter 10

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Ben, Blaine and Grace were running from
the cops. All scattered in different directions. It was pretty easy to loose the cops in the giant train station. Eventually Blaine and Grace found each other.

"Where's Ben?" Asked Grace

"I haven't seen him" said Blaine, "I'll call him"

The phone rang and rang but there was no answer.

"We can't stick around here though. They'll find us" said Grace, "hopefully he'll call us"

Blaine and Grace headed off to get a cab and head to the bakery and hope that Ben would meet them there.

Meanwhile Ben was caught by a cop...

"This is ridiculous" said Ben, "did you see Harper with us? No you didn't because she ran away and we were just trying to find her"

"You can explain all that down at the station" said the cop as they pushed Ben into the police car.

Harper and Spencer arrived at the bakery... for a moment Harper just stood outside looking at it.

"What if she isn't here?" asked Harper

"Then we will keep looking" said Spencer, "but you are never gonna find out if you don't go inside".

They walked inside. They looked around. But didn't see her mom anywhere

"She isn't here" said Harper, "let's go" she said turning around to leave

"Hold on" said Spencer grabbing her arm, "let's ask someone"

They went up the counter "hi have you ever seen this woman?" asked Spencer showing the woman a photo.

"Ya she was here the other day" said the woman, "what's going on? There was a man just asking about here too and if I've a strawberry blond girl" she said staring at Harper.

Neither Spencer nor Harper said a word

"If you two are in trouble, I can help you"

"We aren't in trouble" said Harper, "that woman is my mother and that man is my father. Do you know where the woman went?"

"No idea she comes here every Tuesday. The man actually is sitting outside in the black car" said the woman.

Harper and Spencer turned around to see Harper's father coming towards the building

"Is there a back door?" Asked Spencer

The woman hesitated "yes follow me" she finally said and led them to the back door.

Spencer and Harper went out the back door. And were rounding a corner. "You think he saw us?" asked Spencer

Before Harper could finish her father was standing in front her. He grabbed her arm hard.

"Get off of me!" She yelled.

"Let her go" yelled Spencer. Unfortunately no one was around to hear or see them.

Harper's father punched Spencer in the face he fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you!" Yelled Harper. Her father then slapped her across the face.

"You are going to that boarding school as soon as we get home!" He said sternly. And with that. They left Spencer in the alley and went to get in the car.

Meanwhile at the police station

"How many times do I have to tell you what happened?" Asked Ben to the cops. Very annoyed.

"Why didn't you report Harper missing then?" asked the cop

"Because we didn't want our dad to know what was going on. We thought if we could just find her and bring her home. So she wouldn't feel like she was in trouble. She been through a lot"

The cops looked at each other.

"Alright listen. We can't hold you here but we also can't let you go. Your underage and we have to have a parent pick you up"

"Good luck with that" said Ben sarcastically, "Incase you haven't heard me the first 100 times. My mom is gone and my dad is an &$/ hole"

"Probably be a long weight then" said the cop.

Ben in frustrated punches the table

Meanwhile Blaine and Grace arrived at the Bakery. They went up the counter to ask the woman about Harper and Spencer.

"Ya I let them out the back. After I guess if you father too? Showed up"

Just then Spencer walked in "Blaine" he said

Blaine and Grace turned around. And saw Spencer's bruised face and they knew.

Harper "Fierce" Danielsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें