Chapter 1: The Coffee Run

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I was walking down the street, it was a normal day. Coffee in one hand. My bag in the other.

That's when my life changed...

I had just left the cafe I go to every day. I have never payed attention to the name though. I had my normal flat white in hand, sipping as I walked down the road, back towards my apartment. It had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. I share it with my best friend, Melody. Whom I always tease by calling her river (doctor who reference).

My handbag sits comfortably in the crease of my elbow, just like you see the "Popular girls" do. Although I am not popular.

As I continue to walk a guy with a long guitar bag, runs into me causing me to fall flat on my ass, and spill my coffee. I give him the evil eyes, pick up my coffee put it in the bin and turn around to get a new one. I cannot live without my mid-morning caffeine.

"One flat white," I tell the lady at the counter. She looks at me, before mumbling something about how I was here about 10 minutes ago, and making me my lifesaver.

Leaving the shop for, hopefully, the last time today, I walk carefully, avoiding people as much as I can. That's when it happens...


I turn towards the noise, sounds like someone has been shot. I look around, to see that there is a guy lying on the ground, blood surrounding his body. I quickly run over, not caring that everyone else was running or I could be next. There's a guy on the ground, unconscious, that needs urgent help.

Tommy's POV:
I am going for a walk down a random road, some reason today feels right, like something goods going to happen. I walk down the footpath for a little bit longer, and I see something, a pretty girl. Her Brunette hair is waist length and has belong tips, and I swear I see a shimmer in her eyes as she walks past. She was holding a coffee cup in her hand with such care. Dodging every obstacle, taking small sips, and then carrying on.

I hope I see her again.

I kept walking, but only a few steps, when I hear it.


After that everything went black, all I could hear was faint screams. I realised that I had been shot.

"TOMMY!" I heard an unknown voice call out my name. I don't think I heard them before, but they defiantly know who I am.

Emmalyns POV:
I look for the bullet hole. I find it in his leg. That can't be strong enough to kill on sight... Can it. I don't know, I panic. Reach for the handful of napkins, I grabbed when I got the second coffee, and place them on the wound. Careful not to hurt him, anymore than he is.

"I called the ambulance," I jump and turn around to see a blond haired man behind me "Should I call the cops to?" I nod and turn back to the guy lying on the ground. I check his pulse, ok so he is alive. Good.

For the first time, I take a proper look at his face, he looks fimili...




"TOMMY!" I scream out loud, questioning my own statement.

NO, No, no. The one and only FrozenGargon himself, can't be here, dying infront of me.

The blond guy from before can obviously see I am stressed and asks me what he can do to help.

"Put pressure on the wound, we need to try and stop him from bleeding." I answer him as I sit there, in shock, trying not to throw myself at him and cry into his shoulder. I hear the sirens in the distance, and snap back into reality. I help the blond, with Tommy's leg, as I wait for the ambulance to pull up.

Not to long later, the ambulance speeds towards us, stopping on the sidewalk beside us. The first paramedic jumps out of the back, with some stuff in hand. The driver and the front seat passenger jump out not long after, all rushing to Tommy's aid.

The blond guy steps back moving out of the way, but I just don't want to. I just move closer to his face, not wanting to leave his side. I hear more sirens on the way, but I know these are the cops that other guy called for. He waits patiently as they show up, wanting to talk to us about what we saw. They walk over to blondy, now sitting on the curve, and ask him about his sight on things. I can't. Hear them talking, but I know what happens in these situations.

A/N (Author Note) Please Read!
Thanks For reading this first chapter. There might be some inaccurate information, but I don't like to Research everything, I just write. Also if you read this please leave a comment, I love to hear from you and maybe even read YOUR books!! :D

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