Chapter 10: The Date

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"Hey, Tommy!" I yelled as I saw him get out of his car.

"Hey, Emmalyn! How are you?" He asks walking over to me and giving me a big kiss.

"Amazing, hey, did you know this really cute guy kissed me yesterday?" I smirked looking at him.

"Oh really, I kissed a really cute girl yesterday aswell" We started laughing then locked our cars, walking into the building.

We walked into the office and sat down on the couch for a bit.

"Hey, I realised that I forgot to ask you something yesterday" Tommy spoke up.

"Oh, really, what is it?" I asked him, as a confused look grew upon my face.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Before he even finished the sentence, I was already up and running to his lap.

"YES!" I screamed, we kissed again.

"You seem very energetic lately" Cory says walking in. We laugh.

"Well, of course I am" I huffed

"HEY!" Ashlie walked in.

"HEY!" I yelled back.

"Now, we are just waiting on Nick and Uni" Cory pointed out.

"What was that about me?" Uni spoke popping out from his office.

"CREEP!" Tommy shouted. Uni just poked out his tongue.

"Wow, what have I missed?" Nick walked in.

"Uni being a creep" Tommy answered.

"And You asking Emma out, and how energetic her answer was, and then Uni came out of his office. When none of us thought he was even here" Cory added on, causing me to become embarrassed.

"So... A lot?" Nick sounded disappointed. We all laughed.

Everyone sat down, I just stayed on Tommy's lap, not wanting to leave. I felt safe near him. I have never felt this safe in my life. Nesting my head in his neck, I block out the conversation that's going on around me and slowly fall asleep.

Tommy's POV

Everyone stopped talking, looking at me. I looked down at Emmalyn. She was asleep. She looked so cute asleep. So, innocent. I love her more than anything. If I could I would just sit there with her, all day.

But sadly, she slowly started opening her eyes.

Emmalyns POV

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around I noticed everyone was looking at me. I looked up to see the face I loved the most. Blushing from embarrassment, I look down again. I sit up, but keep my hand around Tommy, everyone still staring. 

"You look adorable when you sleep" Tommy breaks the silence.

"AWE!" Ashlie soon follows.

"Get a room!" Cory yells. Normally, it would be Tommy doing this type of stuff, but I guess someone had to fill his shoes. We laughed, for the rest of the day we recorded videos, helped edit them, and/or just talked.

"Hey, Emmalyn. Can I ask you a question?" Tommy walked up to me

"Sure, Tom" I giggled, he just rolled his eyes.

"So, we have been dating for SOOO long now and we haven't been on a date"

"OKAY, so I got a few things to say about that. 1: It's only been a day. 2: That's not a question, that's a statement. 3: are you asking me on a date?" I listed.

"I know, Shut up and Yes" He replied to all my things I listed. 

"Sure" I rolled my eyes "What time? Where? All that stuff"

"Six o'clock. I'll pick you up"

"Sure, see you then. Oh and by the way, are we gonna tell the subscribblers?"


"YES, subscribblers"

"I don't know, maybe later"

"I agree" and with that, we both packed up and left the office.

Driving away, I look at the time. 4:30. I got an hour and a half. I did my make-up, got dressed and did my hair.


"OH, I WONDER HOW THAT COULD BE?" I shouted sarcastically from my room.

"I have come here to kidnap a girl called Emmalyn" He replied.

"Oh no, give me one second" I pretended to be worried, opening the door "Can I text my friends goodbye?" I smile as he pulls me in for a kiss "I could get used to that"

"Yeah aha" he sarcastically spoke.

"So... Where are we going?"

"Well, I was thinking Olive Garden"

"Really, I have never been there!"



"Well, I am glad to be able to take you to your first Olive Garden" He spoke. I grabbed my stuff locked the door and we headed downstairs to his car. He drove and I sang.

"Your voice is beautiful" he commented.

"Thanks" I blushed.

"Here we are!"

"I'm so excited!" I screamed.

"Yeah make me go deaf. Wait I thought that was my job. Stealing everything from me Emmalyn"

"Hey, what else did I steal!"

"My heart" He was being very romantic and cheesy, but I think it's as romantic as he get as we jumped out walked in. We sat at a two seater near a window.

"Not to bad for a first dates, but what happened to the whole Netflix and chill thing?" I joked.

"Well, we could have dinner then go to yours?"

"I like the sound of that" I smiled then the waiter came to take our order. He was kinda cute but Tommy was cuter. We got our meals and when I looked at my napkin it had a number on it. I laughed.

"What is it?" I showed him the napkin, I could see a bit of jealousy course through him, but he covered it up.

"Hey, it's alright, your cuter anyway" I grabbed his hand and gave him a genuine smile. We quickly ate and then payed. Walking out of Olive Garden I saw the waiter, I walked up to him.

"Sorry, that's my Boyfriend, so here. Use it for the next girl you try to hook up with. Oh and make sure she doesn't have a Boyfriend with her" I smiled then walked back over to Tommy, hugging him as we walked out.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" He spoke.

A/N: Exactly 1000 words, woohoo. Haha.
Also I need a female name and a male name. GO!!!

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