Chapter 4: First Visit

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A/N: just before you read, I wanna say sorry. I changed the cover because the old one was just thrown together and I hated that. So the new cover I took some time to make. Thank you for reading my story and enjoy.

I walked in.

There he was lying on a bed, looking sound asleep and so peaceful. Everyone surrounding him, tears running down faces. I take a step closer. My eyes well up at the sight. They move aside a little, giving me space to stand beside him as well.

I have always had a crush on him, but seeing him like this makes me feel, like I wish I was more. I wish I could curl up beside him and give him a big kiss. Tell him I love him. That I need him. Anything like that.

But I can't.

I end up just walking over and sitting on a seat in the corner. Hoping I can be here for when he wakes up. I don't want to leave, but Melody has been getting worried. She is coming to pick me up. I grab my stuff and say goodbye, walking out the door.

As I walked into the hallway I heard someone called my name. I turned around and saw Ashlie.

"Emmalyn, here, let's exchange numbers. I'll tell you if anything happens," I nod and give her my phone as she gives me hers. We write down our numbers then give each other our phones back.

"Look, Emmalyn, thank you for helping Tommy. I am really grateful, and so is Cory and Bre. They just show it differently." She added.

"Yeah, in case you haven't realised, I watched your videos. I can tell Corys not his usual self at the moment," I told her, trying not to sound like a crazy fan girl.

"Yeah, well, come back tomorrow. But if he wakes, or anything happens I text you'll"

"Okay, Bye"

"Bye," I walked out of the hospital, and called Melody.

"Where are you?" I spoke into my phone.

"Umm, Give me a sec," She sighed, "Here!" I look to my left to see her Grey Jaguar. She stops in the middle of the road, no one behind her. Waves me over, I look both ways then walk over. Jumping in, I buckle my seatbelt, and she takes off.

"So..." She encourages

"So... What?" I reply

"So... Are you gonna tell me what happened? All you said was attempted murder."

"Well, that's what it seems like."


"Full story?" I questioned, knowing the answer.

"YES!!!!" She screamed.

"Okay, OK. So I was going to get my coffee as usual, and this dingbat decides to knock me over, causing me to spill all of my coffee." I hear her laugh, "NOT FUNNY!!"

"Haha, You spilt your morning coffee no wonder your in this mood. Gosh, is that why you were at the hospital?"She Mocks "'what's your emergency' Ahh, help I spilt my coffee, 'Oh yes we will be on our way, Just throwing this guy bleeding to death out so we can fit you in'" She bursting out laughing.

"DO YOU WANNA HEAR OR NOT!" She goes quiet "thought so... So as I was saying, if I didn't spill my coffee, I wouldn't have gone and gotten a new one, and if I didn't go get a new one. I wouldn't have seen a guy get shot," What little giggles were left at this point drowned out of her as she realised what this meant, She remembered what I told her in that meeting with the guidance councillor. I could tell.

"Sorry," She said, pretty much whispering.

"Don't be, you didn't know. Plus, I now get to see TheFrozenGargon, Ashlie9596, NewScapePro and Bre tomorrow." I said trying to lift the spirt a bit. Her face lit up.

"Really." Then the excitement turned to confusion "Who was it?"

"Tommy, He got shot in the leg," and there goes all the happiness left in my body.

The rest of the drive was silent. I thought over my day and I think Melody thought about what I just told her. When we arrived back at the flat, and parked our car in the underground car park, we went upstairs and watched a movie marathon. It included INK HEART, MY GIRL 1 & 2.

"PIZZA," I screamed and ran to the door, handing over the money and grabbing the pizza. After thanking the guy, I closed the door and jumped over the back of the couch, landing perfectly. I have to admit, I have practiced that. We eat the pizza and watch more movies

We cried so much we now need another box of tissues. Deciding it was late enough, we turned off the TV and put our left over pizza, in the fridge.

I ran upstairs, putting on my giraffe onesie, brushing my teeth, then hair and climbing into bed. The last thing I thought of was Tommy before I feel asleep.

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