Chapter 8: Her reveal

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Ashlies POV:

She said it out loud. I mean I always knew it, ever since I met her. The way she looked at him, it's not just the way a fan girl looks at their YouTuber crush. It's love.

"I didn't think you would actually say it in front of us all" I spoke totally astonished.

"Well, you were pressuring me a lot" she looked up, a tear running down her face. Nick must have noticed it because he went over to her, giving her a hug. "Please don't tell him"

"We won't, and I am sorry, it's just I noticed the way you looked at him. The way he looked at you. You two look so cute together, and perfect for each other"

Emmalyns POV:

Did Ashlie just say that she thinks Tommy likes me? Yeah right. How many times in real life do you meet your famous crush and they love you back. Wait... I have been saying love. Did I say I love Tommy.

"Emmalyn? Are you alright?" Nick asks, he seems seriously worried.

"I'm fine. I mean, it's not the worst thing in the world, telling you guys is one thing. I don't think I will ever be able to tell Tommy himself" That's what scares me the most. But if what Ashlie said was true, I know I have to tell him one day. Maybe when he gets out of hospital.

We talked for a while longer, about anything and everything. I think Ashlie had got what she wanted out of her day because we stopped playing Truth or Dare. I have to admit, despite being scared to death of seeing Tommy tonight, just I case Ashlie slips something. I am having FUN.

"Hey guys," Cory says looking at the time "If we still want to see Tommy today we better get going"

"Oh yeah,"I say blushing again "Hey, could we please keep this Truth or Dare game between us, for now?"

"Sure, as long as you tell Tommy about your feelings" Ashlie nodded.

"I want to wait till he is out of hospital" I replied

"Fine" Ashlie grumbled back and we all laughed as we got our stuff and headed down stairs to our cars.

Ashlie didn't bring a car today, so she came with me. Cory and Nick are taking their own cars and meeting us there.

we get there after Nick and just before Cory. For some reason seeing Nicks face again makes me feel safe, but not like I love him, like a big brother. These guys are the only family I have, other than Melody. They have no clue of that side of me. Or at least I hope they don't.

Walking inside, something doesn't feel right. It takes me until we get to Tommys room before I notice. The police are here, but why? Did they find the guy who tried to kill him? Or do they bring more bad news?

"Hello, Miss Emmalyn" it was Detective Waters.

"Detective Waters, is everything okay?" I asked, he smiled and opened his mouth to speak.

"Yes, everything's fine. We just came to say that we have found the gun man. He was hired to shoot and kill someone, but shot Tommy by accident. He claims Tommy walked infront of his target... the guy who called us."

I heard myself gasp "Really? Have you found the person that hired them?"

"Yes, well, kinda. He is captured yes, but we can't seem to find enough evidence linking him at the moment, but when we get his bank account records back. We should have enough" He reassured. I nodded.

"Great, I don't need to see anymore deaths" I said, immediately regretting it.

"Emmalyn, you've seen someone die?" Tommy shyly spoke up. I sighed and nodded.

"My dad was shot and killed, right before my eyes" I felt a tear roll down my face.

"I'm sorry" Tommy spoke, waving for me to go over to him. I did, I sat down and cried into his shoulder as he hugged me and the others watched. I heard Detective Waters take his leave, but everyone else just sat down, not knowing what else to do. Feeling tired I eventually feel asleep on Tommy.


"Hey Tommy" I smiled at him.

"Hey Emmalyn" He smiled back.

"You seem extra happy today, whys that?"

"I realised today, that I have found the girl of my dreams" he beamed. My heart skipped a beat. He loved me.

"I didn't too"

"Oh who is it?"

"You" I blushed. He started to laugh as another girl walked in.

"You really think Tommy would ever love you" She acted like every popular girl in all the stories, who acts like they go out with the hottest guy in the school, when they don't. But in this case she does.

"Like I would ever love you, I am way out of our league" He laughed again.

My heart sunk.

"You probably are one of those girls who just want Tommy for his money, or job" She snarked.

I feel like crying, like digging myself a hole to hide in for the rest of my life. Tommy hates me.

I woke up, tears in my eyes. Tommys looking at me, I must have feel asleep on him.

Tommys POV:

Emmalyn woke up, she's still got tears in her eyes, but I feel like it's for a different reason.

"are you alright" I asked, she shook her head. "Everything will be okay. Shh" I started rubbing her arm in a soothing manor. It must have worked because she stopped crying and just lay there. She's so pretty, helped me so much, I wish I could help her.

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