Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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(Maria's POV)

As I rode the decrepit school bus, my classmate's auras mingled with each other shining a bright sky blue; which I now know means contentment. A handful of people were a navy blue, which was boredom but that wasn't out of the ordinary. As I look down at myself, I notice my own ashen grey aura clinging to my body, which I've come to loathe and detest. Glistening tears fell from my emerald flecked, hazel eyes. I had stayed up all night keeping the dreadful nightmare at bay. The dreams themselves weren't frightening, cryptic at worst but what was causing my unease was how I couldn't wake up until the dream let go of it's control over me. To my dismay, as a battered, old building that I call a school; came into view, the vision overtook my senses, more tenacious than ever.


A familiar graveyard was shown to my mind's eye. It was the same graveyard my parents had been buried in. Next,  I notice a hole already dug in the ground and inside it a pristine coffin, made with the most lavish looking pine. On top of some exquisite black silk, lay a teenage girl, the face unclear. Her brown, chestnut hair cascaded down past her shoulders in graceful ringlets. Pale lifeless hands with bitten to the nub nails, were crossed across her stomach. She was dressed in a lilac dress which had a chiffon over-layer.

The sun shimmered over the dress like the reflection of a thousand diamonds. Skinny legs, leading to a pair of small, sensible white pumps, with delicate bows placed at the top. I raised my sight back up, past her shoulders, her neck and finally resting on her petite, elfin chin.

Before I turned ten, my dreams usually revolved around my parent's death and how it should have been me that had died, then one night I had a different dream which was horrifying in it's own way. Everything about the vision after that has always been exactly the same. I would see the graveyard, the coffin, her; after which I would wake up. Except this time the face began to become somewhat coherent, instead of staying foggy. This time I saw her.

The face of this deceased girl was clear as day to me now. Her pink lips were frozen in a peaceful smile, veins showing through her closed eyelids like ink accidentally spilled over a blank canvas. Her face vacant of any emotion.

It was the same face I saw when I looked in the mirror every day.

It's my coffin. My funeral. My dead body. The vision abruptly ended. Spreading darkness everywhere as I fell unconscious.


I open my eyes to realize, I'm at home, or what I call home anyway. It's not warm and welcoming like a home should be, but it's what I've got. My three roomed flat is my safe haven. It has been that way since I was 14. Both my parents had died in a car crash. Only I survived and was put into a foster home at the age of 9. The first vision I had was frightening and slightly painful. It was too overwhelming for a child to take. For me to take.

I screamed every night, calling for god to take me instead of Mum and Dad. Until the staff got sick and tired of it and put me in a enclosed, darkened room. To 'teach me a lesson' about keeping others awake at night. After a year I had, had enough. I ran away, and because of all the problems I had caused, the care workers didn't bother to report me to the police. A wealthy but humble man, named Tim, saw me sleeping on a bench in the park and took me to his spare flat. He kindly didn't bother me much about the rent until I turned 15. At which point he, as my landlord, asked me to start waitressing at his café.

I couldn't say no, so I did what he asked. Its not like I had anything else to do at the time other than mope around, on my own in a dingy, deserted flat.

I promptly came back to reality, to the unfortunate situation that I still have to face. I hesitantly rise and sit up on my bed, acknowledging the fact that I was on top of the bed sheets. As I look at the window to my right I notice it's pitch black. The time on my alarm shows me it's past midnight. I lean towards my desk, which is by the side of my bed, hoping I got the time wrong but no such luck. Usually my visions, or more accurately, my nightmares only last for half an hour at most, not a whole day!

This was completely new territory to me. Well at least I'm safe.I thought.

Oh no! I spoke too soon.I thought as I heard heavy footsteps. Getting louder.

All that was going round in my head was the thought, I'm not alone.


Hey!!! The author here!!

Just wanted to say a couple of things. First of all I'd like to dedicate this story to my good friend Henawena00 without whom I wouldn't have wrote this story at all. So thank you Hena!!!

Secondly I'd like to thank the 6 people who have already read my story. Even if you didn't like it, I still appreciate the fact that you read it.

Also the picture is of an actress who I imagine Maria Carrera as, if u agree or disagree please comment and tell me. I would love to hear your opinions on this.


P.S If you want me to add your name into my story please comment below!! Bye!!! (again :p)


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