14-I feel your pain

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Here it is! :D 

Luis locked himself in his hotel room, he knew that the Police were bound to find him. Besides, now that he knew Javier was a friend of Aman, even worse yet living with him things could only get worse. He knew he needed to run again, but where to? He's caused trouble everywhere, Cleveland used to be a safe place for him. He stayed up the whole night racking his brain with new ideas when he remembered someone that may be able to help him. Thian Varela, the oldest of the gang yet he was the one Luis looked up to. He has gotten rid of all his gang members numbers so he went online to do a research and perhaps find Thian.


Orson and Corey were almost in Mexico city by now, they went by car.

"Why couldn't we have just flown?" Asked Corey. He was feeling less intoxicated since Orson kept a close eye on him at all times making sure he didn't have a taste of alcohol.

"Those boys are tracking our flights, this is much safer and we will be there soon."

They drove all day yesterday and only stopped to sleep for a couple hours. Corey could feel the kink in his neck from sitting upright in the care while trying to sleep. "I'm hungry." He stated a bit too plainly for Orson's liking. He was truly very hungry, he hasn't eaten since last night and that was only an old sandwich which he couldn't even tell what was on the inside. Orson has been keeping them in the freezer since who knows when and it did give Corey a bit of a stomach ache.

"Don't complain, Corey, we will be in Mexico city soon and there's a nice restaurant called El Bajío there." Told Orson.

Corey felt nervous about going back to Mexico city, he and the gang use to go there all the time and they got into a lot of trouble. But Corey's been to a lot of places, traveling wasn't even exciting to him anymore. Actually, the thought of going home was, but he couldn't do that. No, he had to just sit here and wait, wait for a better time.


The boys didn't even notice the D.r coming their way, it was like they were drowning in anticipations and they couldn't see the surface. Valeria must have seen him though, she started cooing and reaching her hand out. Aman looked up to see the D.r standing over them, he gave them what felt like a half-hearted smile, it was clear there was nothing to be smiling about and he just hoped to ease them from worry.

"Good morning boys. I got here as soon as this morning, seeing that I have been the one treating Brooks I thought I should be here." Started the D.r

Aman felt as if all that information was pointless, they have been waiting since the early hours of the morning to get an update! The worst thoughts went through the boy's minds. Aman for one could only think that Brooks have died, he knew he should have more hope but he hasn't felt that emotion in what felt like years. Except for the day Valeria was born, she was his glimmer of hope, like the light at the end of a dark tunnel.


Agustin couldn't stop the tears that been pouring out of his eyes on and off since this whole thing began. Seeing Brooks so sick, so afraid. It only frightened Agustin, causing him to think the same as Aman only with a lot more hope. Hope in Jesus that He could save Brooks.


Dylan felt numb, he's been so jealous of Brooks and he realized how vain that was. It wasn't the way you looked on the outside, it was the heart and Brooks may physically have a sick heart, but his soul is kind, caring, he never ceases to be the one that hangs out with you. That tells you how much he loves you, he's the best buddy to have.


Javier felt as if he was losing a best friend, he's been close to Brooks since day one really. They always shared secrets, secrets Javier couldn't share with anyone else. He too prayed as all the others did. 

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