Chapter Thirty-Four: Confrontation At Lookout Rock

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"Annina..." Lux shook his head. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. "What are you doing here? What's going on?"

Annina didn't deign to offer more in answer than a raised eyebrow, easing back into a stance that was deceptively casual. Paired with kohl-rimmed eyes and hair pulled back tightly over her scalp, the effect was fear-inspiring. She sized him up as a predator did its prey, her jade-green eyes alight with the prospect of a hunt.

If looks could kill, Lux would already have been dead.

Ahsoka, meanwhile, had gone several shades lighter than her usual healthy orange. She tilted her chin towards a symbol on Annina's right shoulder, her full lips pressed into a tight line. "You're from the Kayzani clan of assassins."

"Kayzani Myarra, at your service." Her blood-red lips curved upward into a wry smile, and she dipped into a mocking bow.

Lux's thoughts swam and unanswered questions gathered in the shallows, but try as he did, he couldn't manage to absorb any of them. Distantly, he realized his meds had to be wearing off. But what had become of the gentle girl he'd grown close to, these past few weeks? Had Annina Akassi-Janren ever existed at all?

"But... Annina..."

Annina – or Myarra – barked out a laugh, swinging one of the vibroblades back to rest over her armored shoulder. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't figure it out earlier – the fire that killed Annina's parents killed her, too. The Akassis were just back from a four-year program on Alderaan, and no one was gonna ask any questions if the girl they found in the wreckage looked enough like the daughter."

There's something I'm missing here, something important I had to remember, Lux thought, furrowing his brow. Myarra... I know that name.

I can't believe you snuck into the Naberrie family like that," Ahsoka spat. "They trusted you, opened their home to you, and you went and betrayed them to the Separatists!"

Lux opened his mouth with another question, but before he could say anything, he found himself staring down the barrel of a blaster set into the plating at Myarra's wrist. "Enough talk! My initial target was Senator Amidala, but things chance. Dooku still wants the Senator's head, and if I bring him back even with everything that's gone wrong... well, I think I'll be rewarded quite handsomely."

Before Lux could blink, the gun flared to life and sent two stun blasts surging towards him, too close for him to dive out of the way. But a few inches before they would have hit him, they were smashed into ions on Ahsoka's blades.

Ahsoka looked back at him, speaking quickly through gritted teeth. "Lux, run. I'll hold her off."

"But I can help!"

"No! You have to go, now. She's broadcasting a jamming signal, and I need you to get out of range of it to warn the others."

Though his heart ached to leave her behind, Lux nodded and took off running as fast as he could. Just before he hit the tree line, he risked a glance back toward Ahsoka. He faltered when he caught sight of her in all her battle-hardened glory, that proud, beautiful silhouette wielding twin lightsabers to cover his escape with every bit of skill he remembered from Onderon, so long ago... and then left her behind.


As Lux disappeared into the trees, Ahsoka and Myarra stared one another down, daring each other to make the first move in defiant looks and in the way they held their weapons at the ready to strike.

"Dead or alive, it makes little difference to me, you know," Myarra drawled. "But I think he'll fetch a higher price alive, seeing as Dooku want to... draw his suffering out before he finally killed him."

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