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As Mr.Hafer helps Finn with his account stuff I look up diseases caused by mutations. I look through them and find a couple of choices. Now I wait for Finn to be done setting up with Mr.Hafer, which of course takes all class. The bell rings and everyone runs out of the room to their next class, mine being health.

| time skip to lunch|

It is now lunch and today I have first lunch. I look around for Finn just to see if we have the same lunch today, and I see him. (at my school you either have first or second lunch depending what hallway you're in during third block) He goes and sits down at a table with only four chairs and is alone. I feel bad. Obviously I dont want to go alone so I grab one of my close friends Savannah to come with me. 

I go up to him and I ask him if he wants to sit with us since hes alone, and he says sure. We walk back to the table as he lingers behind and I look back at him. He asks if we can talk for a second. As Savannah sits down I stay and he asks for my snapchat. Oh lordy jesus I hear the angels singing. I give him mine and we sit down. He sits next to me as I sit next to Savannah. The whole lunch I dont even eat and I sit there as Finn and I are snapchatting, and no one bothers us.

Its now time for film study. I sit down in the seat I always sit in and get out my journal as Mr.Follet (pronounced like full-aye if you were wondering) calls it. Finn is also in this class. He sits next to me and we start talking about this class. We both share the information that we both want to be directors when we are older. Class starts and we write down some notes. Before we know it class is over.

"Tomorrow we will be starting the movie Stand By Me and we will wrote down the cinematic observations." Mr. Follet states as the bell rings a couple seconds afterwards.

Math. I. Hate. This. Class. So. Much. With. A. Burning. Passion. Never. Before. Experienced. Finn isnt in this class. So I am guessing hes only in my film study, biology, and lunch.

| time skip to end of the day|

The bell rings at 2:10 and everyone goes running out. I walk home, since my street is right there, and I see Finn. He waves to me. All I am thinking about when I am walking home is whether I like him or not.

I finally get home and let my dogs outside. Hopefully they dont run again. I let Stanley outside and I see a girl with really short hair across the street. Hm, what is up with all the new people around?

I bring Stanley inside and take out Abigail. That girl is still there. She looks at me and waves. Oh god she saw me looking. I bring Abigail back inside when shes done and I go to my desk and take out my homework. I look at the time and it is 3:00. I go to grab my math binder and its not in my bag. I must have put it in my locker for some reason. My phone buzzes and its a snapchat from Finn. I open it. Its a picture of my binder on a desk with a caption: forgetting something? Oh god. I have to go back and get it. Why is he still there tho? Oh well.

I go outside and run back to the school. I walk to the main entrance and see Finn there holding my binder. I open the door as he hands me the binder. I grab the binder and say thanks and walk out.

"Wait!" he yells.


"I wanted to talk to you about something."

• • •

comment what i should improve or if you want me to change things. suggestions? what do you want to hear??

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