e i g h t e e n

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I wake up the next morning and look around to see if Finn is still here. I look over by my dresser next to my bed and see a note.

"Had to leave early to get prepared, sorry <3 I'll be back to say goodbye"

Weirdo. I grab my phone and look through instagram and snapchat for a while. You know, essential morning stuff. After I go through all that, get up, eat, get dressed, and decide to go somewhere to take pictures on my camera. I grab my camera, and go downstairs. I tell my mom and sister that I am going around the neighborhood with my camera. I go around my yard taking pictures of anything from flowers to bushes to a fence. 

"You look good today." I hear someone yell, but they're above me? I look over at Finn's window and his elbows are on the edge with his head in his hands.

"Thanks, but you look better." I smile and he laughs.

"Sorry I had to leave early. My mom was freaking out because she wasn't sure if I had all my stuff together."

"It's fine don't be sorry, what time are you leaving?"

"Flight leaves at 7 so I will probably leave here by 4:30 I think."


"What are you taking pictures of?"

"Anything, everything, oh, and you." I say as I point the camera at him and snap a picture.

"I didn't do my hair yet." He complains as I roll my eyes.

I just look at him and laugh.

"So what are your plans today?" He asks as he rests his arms on top of each other.


"Well I have some and you're a part of them." He says as he disappears.

What does he have in mind? A couple minutes go by and he is outside walking towards me.

"We should go to the bridge today." He says.

"Um, I guess, it isn't really that warm out today."

"Who cares." He says grabbing my wrist lightly and dragging me along.

"Uh, me?"

We take our quarter mile walk there and we sit on the ledge.

"This place aways amuses me somehow, even though it's like 100 years old."

"It only amuses you because I am here." He says leaning up against the stone with his hands behind his head.

"I've been coming here a lot longer than you have."

"Yeah but I just bring the party to life."

I smile and stand up to walk around and take pictures. I do that for a good minute and a half then I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Pretty." He says.

"Yeah." I say looking at the close up I just took of a flower. 

"I was talking about you." He says as he looks at me.

I turn my head to look at him and I smile as I look back and he kisses my cheek. He lets go of me and we both sit down on the stone and play our stone game. 

Time flies by and it is already 4 o clock and we walk back to my house.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask as I walk up the steps to my front door.

"A week, not that long."

"Well you should probably get home now."

"Yeah, I'll text you when I get to the airport."

"Okay I guess I will see you in a week." I say disappointed, remembering he is going with Millie, and she lives right across the street.



"Bye." He says as he touched his lips with mine and started to walk away.

I walked into my house and saw my sister standing there.

"Um, hi?"

"Who was that?" She asks me as she points at the door.


"That boy you like?"

"You're a bit late we've been dating for a while."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I don't know Hanna it just never came up in a conversation I guess." I say leaving the room.

"Where did you go today?"

"The bridge, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Because I want to know these things!"

I walk upstairs to my room and shut my door behind me. I sit on my bed and my phone dings. I look down at it and it is a text from Finn.

'I miss you already'

I text back.

'me too, this is going to be a rough week.'


I'm still a bit mad about the whole Millie thing but, I can't prevent it from happening, why be upset about it when it is going to happen either way?


hope you guys aren't mad because i havent posted in 200 years.

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