~Unexpected Arrivel~

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I clicked the buy, hoping he would like it. Standing up from the couch i looked out the window, the twenty third of December. Wow. I just can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Thank god there's such a thing as same day delivery. "Here." I looked over my shoulder and grabbed the coffee cup Hau had in his hand. "Thank you." I looked back out the window that overlooked the backyard. The snow sparkled like diamonds. "You okay?" He put his hand on my shoulder. "Oh, yes i'm fine." Instinctively responding. "You sure?" I didn't respond. All i did was rest my head on his arm. He stiffened at the contact for a split second, then rested again. "I'm going to take that as a yes." He chuckled.

We were sitting on the couch about to watch another Christmas movie. Decidueye and Primarena sat on the floor together. In a pile of blankets and pillows Decidueye had made for them. "I just realized something." Hau turned to me leaning to whisper. "Decidueye and Primarena cant have..." His voice trailed. I looked at him in understanding. which in turn soon went to a more sad contorted face of too many feelings at once. I couldn't control it anymore. Too many emotions at once everything just poured out. Hau looked down at me in surprise. "(F/n)!" He frantically sat up straight. "W-what's wrong?" He pulled my hair out of my face i was using to hide my now red and puffy mess of a face. "Hey, hey it's okay! Don't cry, I'm here." He pet my hair trying to calm me down. I was hysterical, hyperventilating and incomprehensive. I looked at those stained glasses eyes. Ones that have been shattered and remade a million times over. I wanted to fix them some many times myself but i knew if i did they wouldn't be the same.

I inhaled the scent of palm trees and sea salt. It smelled of home. My home in Alola, but no. That was a lie i kept telling myself that home had to be a physical place. A building that had to stand. Then I realized that a house doesn't make a home, the people do. The people you love. My home. Yes my home was sitting right here in front of me.

Hau was my home and nothing was going to change that.

Hau snored next to me. He got a little scared because all my family besides my mom were coming to dinner tomorrow. Some of them however come later tonight and stay the over. I got up from the couch to grab something to munch on when i heard a knock at the door. Sliding across the floor in my socks to get there faster. When i got there I couldn't believe who it was.


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