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Link, awash with uncontrollable emotions, moved towards a free room in the domain to rest for the night. He was too unstable to do anything else right now and would probably risk his life out in the open world.

He slowly stripped from his armor and crawled into the bed. He shivered, curling up into a ball, for the absence of Sidon only made his heart feel cold and his soul dark. He would constantly think of Sidon throughout the night as he tried to fall asleep and failed many times, whether it was about his glowing eyes that pierced his soul, or his muscular body that was aching for Link's touch. No matter how hard he tried to ignore his feelings he simply could not. Link grasped at his arms, trying to close himself up as much as possible. There Link lay, a smaller form of himself, if that was even possible. Shaking in rage and sadness, nothing seemed to matter.

In this moment, his purpose seemed very distant.


The next day, Link awoke far into the morning. It was almost noon and despite the sun shining through the windows his room still felt just as cold as last night. Frustrated with himself and this overwhelming depression, he decided he would leave for a few days and get some fresh air elsewhere. Sidon had enough of his badgering, and Link felt bad about how outrageous he probably seemed to be acting in front of him. After putting his uniform back on and slipping on his boots, he washed his face off, looking in the mirror where he stared at his reflection for a time before leaving the room quickly.

He headed down the Zora halls to the main square where he found Sidon talking to the Zoras there. Annoyed with the entire situation, Link hurried past Sidon and down the bridge, bumping into him as he went. As Link jogged out of the Domain, Sidon watched him leave, pausing his conversation for only a moments notice before shaking free from the thought. Link looked back then, finding Sidon only busier in his conversation with the Zora. He turned back to the front and continued on into the pelting rain in the wilderness.

For his journey he would need to gather many herbs and sources of food that he probably should have cooked before he left, but that was behind him now. He knew if he went back there was a chance he would want to stay. There was a stable a little ways ahead, anyway, so he would just have to hold off until then. But, as he was walking past the outskirts of the domain, an attendant came running toward him, shouting for him. Link turned around, putting his hand on his sword in defense, but once he realized it was a lowly zora, he stopped.

"What is it?" He was waving some kind of note and was extremely out of breath; he must have ran all the way here. "I found this..." he inhaled deeply, "in your room, as I was cleaning...it." He handed the note to Link who was confused by the gesture. Who would have left him a note and why? For only a moment, a spark, a hope prayed it was Sidon, but the name on the front was different than what he has seen. Before Link could ask questions, the attendant had disappeared back into the domain.

The name read 'Thalia' in cursive letters, only an official would write so. Link hesitated to open it, but figured he needed to. He unfolded the letter and scanned the page; again, the cursive lettering and it was all in a formal format. He realized it was a third party wanting to meet with him tonight, privately by the river, a place he had never ventured before. He usually stayed near the domain; the river never interested him, as you could imagine. But, nonetheless, he had no idea who this Thalia was and if she could be trusted or not. Besides, he had already planned to go away...but maybe she needed something from him. A favor, or something like it. Sure, that was enough for Link to force himself to go.

Whether or not he could trust himself, was the true matter at hand.


Sidon woke to a cold bed; his fiancee had disappeared. The pain of being alone tugged at his heart for the moment. Even though they were due to marry any day now, his fiancee seemed even more detached than before. It seemed almost everyday she had some "business" to attend to elsewhere. Ah, but that was her thing, he supposed.

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