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After Link recovered himself, he ran down the hallways and into the dungeon, looking for his love. "Sidon! Sidon! Where are you!" He had stumbled upon a series of cells. Voices called out viciously from inside of them and beckoned him with vile tones. "Link, Link I'm back here!" Sidon stood up and put his face against the small, barred window in the door. He moved to join him but a guard stepped in front of him, stopping him from going any further into the room. 

"Sorry, no visitors allowed allowed-" 

"He's with me." Thalia came up behind him, staring the guards down. "I have a right." Thalia grabbed Link's arm and pulled him past the gawking guards to Sidon's cell. Immediately after arriving Link put his fingers up to the bars to try and get closer to Sidon. "Oh, move over. We can go inside, but for a short time," she said, "I'm pretending to be here on official business. Private news only we can know." She stuck the key in and unlocked it and immediately Link dashed inside and jumped into Sidon's arms. 


Link sat sideways next to sidon, his legs over Sidon's lap as he held his hand, examining every inch of it. Thalia was sitting in the corner reading over "official papers," minding her own business.

Sidon was whispering to Link in order to uphold their privacy, "what are you doing, Link?" 

"I want to know every part of your body," he murmured, dragging his fingers along Sidon's, tracing every indention. Sidon watched this ritual of his. 

"How long are you going to be in here?" Link asked as he got tired of his hand and moved up his arm, sending shivers down Sidon's spine. He glared at his finger and when he had to lift himself up to get to his shoulder Sidon moved and kissed Link's forehead. 

"I don't know," he said as quietly as he could, desperation filling his voice. "I don't know."

Link pulled on Sidon's arm and held it against his chest, leaning against it as he closed his eyes. "Please come home to me." 

For the moment, Sidon took in Link's words as he watched him get comfortable there next to him, his legs leaning against his stomach, his head on his arm. He moved his free arm to brush his hair out of his eyes and sighed heavily. 

He wanted to promise he would, but he knew he could not.


A long while after Link and Thalia left, Sidon sat in the back of his cell, throwing small pebbles he found to the other side of the room. He was angry at his father, he was angry at Jasmine, he was angry at a lot of things, but he would mostly be angry that he let himself get in this situation. In his eyes, it was all his fault that he was locked away from Link. Oh, Link...

"Who are you pretending that wall is?" 

Sidon jumped up and found the King standing in the cell doorway. He gulped and looked at him. "Hello, father," he was trying to sound as friendly as possible to cover up the fact that he wanted to throw a rock at him. Or a boulder. Whichever works.

His father put his hand on the hilt of his sword and faked a smile as he entered the cell, shutting the door behind him. "I know why you're down here." 

Sidon blinked for a moment, "I would assume so, but I want to hear what your reason is."

The King moved and paced like that awful witch Jasmine, although he did not have as much room. "I know you have feelings for that boy, Link." His smile turned vile as he paused his pacing to look at Sidon. 

"Yes, I think I made that very clear, but I need to talk to you about Jasmine! She is the one-" 

"But, I don't like that you've tried to get yourself thrown under lock and key just to postpone the wedding. I don't know what scheme you are playing, boy, but do know the wedding is still going on tomorrow."

The King cut him off guard quickly with that remark and left Sidon frozen. "No, father, I didn't do that at all-" 

"Oh, save it for later. I don't have time to hear your lies. Jasmine came to me with the full story. Once you are married, you will have guards in your room to watch your every move for a while. Think of it as probation. And I don't want to see you with that Hylian." The King moved to Sidon. "Do you understand?" 

Sidon looked at his father, someone he has always obeyed since he was able to. The King waited for his response, growing angrier by the second until Sidon whispered, "No."

The King's eyes grew wide with distaste. "What did you just say to me?"

Sidon lifted his head slowly. "I said, no." His teeth were clenched as he defied his father without a single regret. 

The King took a step back, still staring at him with wide eyes. "Oh, I don't think you did. You are going to stay away-"

"I SAID NO!" Sidon stood taller, moving towards his father. "I don't care about that bloody woman or your opinion. That woman is foul and she is the reason I am in here!"

"How dare you accuse that woman of such things! She has been put through hell and back by your outright claims of love towards the stupid boy and-"

"HE IS NOT STUPID!" Sidon punched his father hard enough that he fell to his knees for a moment, losing his balance. "I love that stupid boy, and he has a name! His name is Link! And He Will! Be! My! Spouse!" 

Sidon stood there seething over his fathers shaking form. The King reached out to swipe at him and fight him back, but he was weak, which was the main reason Sidon was being wed so quickly. 

"Guards! Guards!" The King's voice was hoarse as blood trickled down his lip. "Chain him."

Sidon tried to run out the door but the guards were faster. They gripped his arms and pulled him to the other cell that had cuffs and chained him to the wall, his hands held high. Once his father had regained his strength, he moved to the cell doorway and stared at Sidon with fierce hatred. 

"You are marrying Jasmine. That's final."


That night, Link had a dream with Mipha in it.

"Link..." Her voice was faint in the distance. He was standing in a wide, open, light plain. "What did I tell you about Sidon?"

She sounded extremely upset with him. "You have gone and gotten him locked up... A day before his wedding... Oh dear..."

Link looked around to try and find where the voice was coming from, but he could not find it. "Whatever you want, Mipha, I'm not here to listen." 

He crossed his arms as he heard her laugh faintly. "Oh, Link, I don't think you have a choice right now." Link sighed.

"Our legacy must continue on, and you're getting in the way. Sidon is being blinded by you. Let him marry Jasmine and be the King he was destined to be. Don't ruin this for him."

"Blah blah blah, that's what you said last time, I don't need to hear it again. Sidon loves me, whether you want it or not. Stop being so jealous."

He could feel tension in the air around him, "I am not jealous!" It was like an instinct to reply with that; it was an instant of anger. Link shook his head. She took a moment to regather herself,

"Sidon can't lead that way," she whispered. "He needs to be with Jasmine! Link..."

As she spoke, she got quieter and quieter, and the vision faded into nothing.

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