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Sidon was awoken with the terrible news in the middle of the night. As per usual, he was alone, but that was not the problem at hand: it was an official decree from his father.

He opened the paper and instant dread set in as he read the page.

The King was ready for him to marry, and he wanted it now.


Once Jasmine had returned to their bedchambers, Sidon confronted her upon this. She only responded just as suspected.

"Alright, well, lets get on with it," she said with zero emotion in it. Sidon was saddened to watch her move about the room like that, acting so elegant and queen worthy when she was nothing but. She was deceitful and did not deserve this crown. That's when Sidon had an idea. 

He had been thinking on it for the past few days, thinking about what Link said. How Prince Sidon could marry the lowly Hylian. At first it was something to scoff at, but over time it sounded more and more reasonable, especially seeing how Jasmine was treating him.

"Yeah, but you won't be there." Sidon said, standing up to face Jasmine. She scrunched her face at Sidon, a look of betrayal falling over her face. She crossed her arms. "What do you mean I won't be there?

"You heard me right. I have made plans to marry someone else. Someone else more suited to me. Someone who cares about me, deeply." He crumpled up his father's decree in his fingers. Jasmine did not take kindly to that word.

"Excuse me! You cannot just kick the bride out of her own wedding!" 

Sidon grinned defiantly, "Oh, I think I just did."


Sidon was searching rapidly for Link; he was no where to be found. Had he lost his chance? Did he just leave his soon-to-be-wife for no reason at all? Link was not in his room or in the shop, he was not down by the waterfall or the lake - wait, is that him?

Sidon raced down the river to an area far from the domain where Link was fighting off a Lizalfo. "Link!" Sidon hollered as he prepared to help him in battle when Link turned to see him and the Lizalfo's sword came crashing down onto his head. 

Sidon froze, stricken with horror as Link's body slowly fell to the ground, his eyes rolling back. Everything felt slow motion, like time was slowly stopping. But, instead of wasting time, he raced to the lizalfo and knock him off his feet and into the river in one fell sweep of his arm before tending to links bleeding head. 

Now, Sidon was a strong man, never in his life had he felt the need to cry until now as he held Link's bloody head in his hands. Sidon quickly ripped off link's belt and tried to secure it around his head to cover the wound as best as possible. Link was groaning with every movement. 

"Somebody help!" Sidon yelled as he lifted Link up off the ground. He started running back up the hill to Zora's domain, carrying him bridal style in his arms. How ironic, he thought.


Sidon had safely made it back to the domain with Link who was now in the infirmary on the bed. He was shaking over Link's body who was slowly recovering from the wound. He had harmed his dear love; never had something shaken him so hard. Just minutes ago he was disowning his fiancee without a second thought. Link meant more to him than he thought imaginable. 

Time would pass and Sidon stayed by his bedside, holding his hand tightly with both of his hands. His thumb rubbed the back of his hand and he only prayed for Link to wake up again. The nurse would walk in every so often to check on him and every time Sidon bugged her about how he was doing, if he was okay. It did phase him a bit that he was doing so much for Link already, but it was like a wave of tension had been released when he broke free from his Fiancee, and it was all pouring out at once. 

The nurse never questioned anything of it, though he was her superior, it was expected from her. She just continued to let Sidon stare at Link as though he was his last hope on earth to survive, to live, to breathe. Sidon's fingers brushed Link's hair out of his eyes, and even though he was hopeful, he feared the worst.


When Link came to, days had passed. Sidon was no where in sight. His head pounded and he could barely remember what had happened. The nurse saw his attempt to sit up and quickly dismissed it, telling him he needs to stay lying down. He still had a great deal of healing to do.

"But what of Sidon?" 

The nurse shook her head. "He left to go tend to his duties. Don't worry about him, you need to rest." Link sighed and rubbed his forehead. His head was not the only thing aching.

He was confused as of to why Sidon would have come to him at such at a time. He seemed almost in distress, too, which was unlike Sidon. It worried him, causing sleep to come incredibly slowly. As soon as he had fallen back asleep, Sidon had returned to the room. 

"He woke up," the nurse informed him before leaving the room so they were alone. Sidon's eyes grew wide and he almost jumped at the news and he rushed to Link's side. He went to touch him but held back, not wanting to wake him up. So, he sat there quietly, staring at this hylian, waiting for him to wake again so he could deliver the good news rightfully. 

Hour or two later, Link finally came to again, and Sidon grinned wide. His blue eyes flicked up at Sidon who was obviously waiting for him to wake. Link blushed and started to ask questions, but Sidon stopped him, "Shh, don't worry, Link, I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore than what has already happened, and I really want to apologize for that. It was foolish of me... Foolish of me to call you so in the middle of battle. I really am sorry. I was just so excited to bring you the good news..." And that's when Link's eyes went wide and he sat up, almost as if full of energy suddenly, and kissed Sidon right on the lips quickly.

Sidon was taken a back and Link pulled away, staring at him for his next reaction. Almost with the same energy, Sidon pulled Link back in and kissed him deeper, something Sidon has been waiting for a long time to do. Now that he had cut ties with his fiancee, the weight off his shoulders lifted and he could finally enjoy Link the way he wanted to; he wanted all of him, it just took him this long to figure it out. That girl was no comparison to Link, who wanted Sidon unconditionally, who wanted his love, not his crown. 

When they pulled away, they touched foreheads, Sidon's hand rested on Link's cheek, who noticed the nurse looking from outside the doorway with a large smile on her face. She ran off when she noticed Link, causing him to laugh and put both of his small hands on his cheeks, feeling his features truly. He ran his fingers all over Sidon's face, which was oddly pleasing to him. 

Link's head was being to pound, and he needed to lie down again. When Sidon pulled back his hand, there was blood on his fingers. Sidon stared at it, shaking almost. "Oh dear, Link, please lie back down." His head was becoming foggy again and he nodded. "Don't worry, once you're healed there will be plenty of time for that, but until then..."

Link fell asleep, Sidon's voice fading out. 

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