Talk is Cheap

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a/n: wow im super sorry about the delay with this chapter, my dumbass burned my thumb making pizza. it blistered and i was crying and yeah it was bad but its ok now here's another chapter :)

also im sorry in advance 

The outlasting awkward tensions still had yet to fade as Sidon sat up on the bed with his face in his hands. Link sat behind him still halfway under the covers, staring blankly at the bed, unable to believe what was happening. Jasmine had taken this liberty to yell obscenities at Sidon as he sat there boiling.

He lifted his head slowly as he spat out his retorts at Jasmine, glaring at her with half-open eyes, "Oh would you just shut up woman!" She stopped pacing and stared at him, almost a warning that he should just stop now. She pointed a menacing finger at him, "Do not dare defy your fi-" He instantly stood up, towering over her as his voice raised, "I will say what I want about my fiance and it is that she is OUT OF LINE!" 

Jasmine took a step back but did not waver her fierce glare. "Oh, do not worry," Sidon laughed, backing off slightly. "You will still get your precious wedding." She retorted, "Oh, while my husband sleeps with another man!"

"Since when did you CARE about me! Last time I checked you were off in some other bastards bed!" Sidon was livid. His fists were clenched tightly at his side as if he were ready to swing, and it worried Link. Finally moving out of his trance, he touched Sidon's arm, who turned on him, "Do not get in the middle of this, Link!" He was vicious about it, and when he saw Link's face soften into fear and lean away, Sidon's eyes grew wide with the realization of what he had down. Sidon quickly moved towards Link, cupping his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Darling, I'm just very distraught right now." Link was staring at him. He did not know whether or not to run or curl up into a ball, or to stay and hold onto Sidon. He hated seeing him this way, and even though it scared him that the Prince could lash out on him like that, he still understood why. 

"Please don't do anything rash," Link whispered, but then Jasmine had grabbed Sidon's arm, "Look at me! Stop looking at that stupid Hylian!" 

Sidon's eyes instantly boiled and he turned to face her again, yanking his arm free of her. "Don't you DARE CALL LINK STUPID!" Jasmine backed up into the dresser stand behind her, leaning onto it for support as she tried to get as far away from his shaking form. His hand was raised, ready to strike. Link found that kinda hot, that Sidon instantly defended him, but he would have never admitted it. He stood up by Sidon and pulled on his arm. "Sidon, please calm down."

Sidon sighed and looked at him, realizing it would be impossible to keep Link out of this situation. His expression always softened when he saw Link. Jasmine would take this time to butt back in, but she stopped for a moment. She could see how the Prince felt about Link through his eyes and it hurt her more than she thought it would. 

"Please get him out of here," she whispered, unwilling to look at Link. 

"No, I'm not kicking him out of this room. He deserves to hear this." Sidon dropped his arms and grabbed Jasmine's hands, her eyes looking down. Link saw this gesture and it pained him, but he watched as he spoke,

"Jasmine. What we had was love unknown, and I did love you in the beginning. But now you're off almost every night in some other man's room. Your actions don't line up with your words, and they speak way louder. You will get your marriage, so drop this. You've done us enough harm by forcing my hand in this way. Leave us alone and I'll leave you alone."

He was staring at her with intensity as he awaited her response.  She starting cackling as she stared at the ground and began to look up at Sidon, "Oh, you poor man," she whispered as her facial expression suddenly changed into fear. "OH, HELP, GUARDS! SIDON IS THREATENING ME!"

Instantly without hesitation the guards busted in the room to find Sidon's hands squeezing Jasmine's, which could be taken in a violent way. He quickly took his hands off her and backed up with his arms up as the guards grabbed Sidon. Jasmine already had tears running down her face in an attempt to fool them, and she won that battle. As Link tried to pull the guards away, they only threatened to take him too.

"Link! Link! Link... Please!" Sidon wrestled the guards, "I am your prince let go of me!" 

But his attempt was vain as he was taken down to the dungeon, leaving Link staring at a cackling Jasmine. "Oh, I got them!" 

He stood there frozen as his mind slowly unraveled what just happened. Jasmine lied to get Sidon in the dungeon so that there was no chance that he could be with Link. "Silly, silly boy. You shouldn't fall in love with royals like us." 

With a sweeping motion, she moved out of the room leaving Link, who fell to his knees in defeat as tears spilled down his cheeks. There was a pushing and a pulling inside his chest; he would gain Sidon just to lose him again. 

Would he ever have him?

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