Chapter ♡ 1

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"Zi Zi wake up!"

"Five more minutes..." Zahara mumbled.

"No now! Before mommy comes in. I don't want you to hear her mouth."

"Ok. Ok. I'm up Gi Gi. Dang."

Zahara sat up in her bed and opened her eyes slowly. She was still tired as hell from getting to sleep late. But it was time for her to get up to take her little sister Gia to school. Her mom didn't like for Gia to ride the bus. So since Zahara had a car now, it was her duty to get up and take her.

Getting up slowly from her bed and stretching, Zahara walked over to her bathroom to freshen up. She had already taken a shower when he had gotten home from work last night. After freshening up, she brushed her wavy natural hair into a high bun and threw on a pair of sweats.

Grabbing her keys and cell phone, Zahara slipped on her bedroom shoes and walked out of her room, down the hall and into th living room. Gia was sitting at the dining room table eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons. Zahara went to sit down in front of her.

"Ready for school today?"

"Yep. I love my new teacher." Gia smiled. Zahara couldn't help but laugh at her one tooth that was missing. Gia had recently lost it the other night.

"That's good. You made any friends?" Zahara asked. Gia nodded.

"Yes. Plenty of pretty girls. They're nice. But I don't like the boys though." Gia replied, scrunching up her little face.

"Why not?"

"Cuz boys are yucky."

Zahara laughed and shook her head. For Gia to be only six she was very smart and funny. Zahara's smile faded though when she saw her mother walk into the dining room.

"Good morning baby." she said, kissing Gia's forehead.

"Morning mommy." Gia smiled.

"Morning Zi." she said nonchalantly. Zahara ignored her speaking to her. Her and her mother never got along once she was old enough to know how she was treating her.

"I'm done now." Gia stated. Zahara nodded, getting up from her chair.

"Ok. Well lets go. You got your bookbag?"

"Yea. Let me go get it!" Gia exclaimed. She ran out of the dining room to go get it.

Zahara crossed her arms over her chest and waited patiently. She heard her mother clear her throat as if she wanted to say something. Zahara didn't even look her way. She didn't have the time nor energy to argue with her mother this morning. Let alone did she want to.

"Ok. I'm ready." Gia said, running back into the room.

"Bye baby have a good day."

"Bye mommy. Love you." Gia waved.

"I love you too."

Zahara walked out of the door holding onto Gia's hand as they walked down the driveway. It was kind of chilly this morning for august but Gia didn't seem to be bothered by it.

Gia got into the back seat as Zahara opened the door for her. After making sure she was buckled in correctly, Zahara closed the door and made her way to her side. Getting in, she shut the door and started the engine. Backing out of the driveway after clicking on her seatbelt, Zahara made the fifteen minute drive to 'Cherry Oaks Elementary'.


"Bye Gi Gi. Have a good day ok. I'll see you when I come pick you up."

"Kayyy. By Zi Zi. I love you." Gia waved. Zahara waved back.

"I love you too."

Zahara watched as Gia walked up the schools front steps. Once she was inside, Zahara pulled out of the car pool line and made her way back home. On her way home, she stopped by Dunkin Doughnuts to get some breakfast since she hadn't eaten. Paying for her food and driving off, she took her normal route back home.

Pulling up into the driveway, she noticed her moms car was gone. She smiled a little to herself and grabbed her food as she got out the car. Walking up to the front door, she unlocked it and walked inside. Shutting the door behind her and locking it in the process, she made her way back to her room to eat and get back to sleep.

Lately Zahara had been having trouble sleeping because of her new job, plus the dreams she had been having. She had just recently started having the dreams and she wondered why now out of all times. 

Her dreams would be mainly flashbacks of her childhood. But they would change every time she had a dream. What really happened to her in the flashbacks in real life, ended up being different than what really happened in her dreams.

After finishing her food and making herself relaxed, Zahara laid back into her bed and closed her eyes in hopes of getting a peaceful sleep.


'Look at what this little cunt did. Spilling red juice on my white carpet!'

'Don't yell at her. She's only four years old Salina.'

'I'm sorry mommy.' Zahara cried.

'I hate your little ass! I've never liked you since the day I found out I was pregnant!' Salina yelled. Zahara' s little face was streaming with tears.

'She doesn't mean that sweetie. I promise you she doesn't. Your mom is just going through some things right now.'

'Mommy doesn't love me? She's always yelling at me. I didn't mean to spill it. It was an accident daddy.' Zahara whined.

'Shut up!' Salina yelled, making Zahara jump.

'Just go to your room and play baby ok? Mommy and daddy are gonna have a little talk. Then daddy will take you out for ice cream.'

Zahara smiled. "Yay! Ok daddy." Zahara walked away to her room but she could still hear her mom and dad arguing.

'See. That's why she's so damn spoiled now. You spoil the girl rotten. But what do I get Will huh?'

'Salina lower your got damn voice. Your always complainin about little shit. I'm tired of it. She's my daughter. Of course imma spoil her. She comes first before any woman.' Will snapped.

'Oh so I'm just some woman to you now? I'm the mother of your child Will!'

'Well act like it. You act like a damn brat. Grow the fuck up.'

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