Chapter ♡ 9

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                                      Zahara sped down the highway hoping and praying that she wouldn't get pulled over for doing 80 in a 65. All she could think about was what's wrong with her little sister and why. She knew that this wasn't just a regular bout of sickness because of how sudden it had come up. Looking back into the back seat to check on Gia Zahara still noticed how her small body laid limp. She looked pale now and it made Zahara worry even more.

Quickly pulling into the parking lot closest to the emergency room Zahara pulled her keys out of the ignition and swung her door open. Pulling open Gia's door almost off the hinges Zahara picked her up in one swift movement and ran towards the E.R. sliding doors.

"I need help!" she yelled, causing a nurse to rush to her side. She looked down at Gia briefly before calling out that she needed a stretcher.

Two male nurses came over a few seconds after grabbing Gia from Zahara and laying her small body onto the stretcher. Zahara followed behind them as they rushed her into an open room.

"Ma'am you can't come back here!" A doctor shouted. Tears started to stream down Zahara's face.

"But she's my sister! I can't leave her!" she cried. A nurse grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the side.

"Everything is going to be ok. We just need to get her prepped and see whats going on. I'll need to ask you a few questions while they tend to her ok?"

Zahara nodded. She didn't want Gia to be alone but the staff here would take care of her at least for now.

The nurse asked Zahara to take a seat as she got a clipboard out along with a pen.

"I need your sister's full name and date of birth." she asked.

"Gianna Davis. August 7th, 2007."

"Ok. What happened before you brought her here?" the nurse continued. Zahara sighed.

"I picked her up from school early because she said she wasn't feeling well. I thought it was just because of the weather since it's changing. She said she felt hot and her stomach was hurting. When we got home she was burning up and then vomited. After that she was becoming unresponsive."

The nurse nodded jotting down notes. "And your name?"

"Zahara Smith."

The nurse looked at Zahara briefly she guessed from noticing the difference in last names. But didn't say anything else.

"Alright. Well they're gonna run some tests and do some blood work to see what's going on with little Gia. You'll have to wait in the waiting room until she's clear for visitors."

"Ok.." Zahara replied.

Zahara watched as the nurse walked off and got up herself to walk towards the small waiting area. All she could do was be strong and have faith that whatever was wrong with Gia, they would be able to find out and treat.

                   ♡Four Hours Later

Zahara slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. It was quiet which was odd to her for an emergency room but she didn't pay it any mind. Stretching and yawning she looked over at the clock that read 5:23 p.m. Four hours had passed by already and there was still no word on how Gia was doing.

Zahara looked around the waiting room and seeing she was the only one there. Getting up and walking out into the lobby she spotted a nurse sitting down at the desk typing some things into the computer. Seeing this as her chance to ask about her sister, Zahara walked up to the desk.

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