Chapter ♡ 8

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                         "Where have y'all been?" Salina asked, as Zahara and Gia walked through the front door. Zahara ignored her and walked past her.

"You can't hear little girl?" she snapped, raising her voice.

"Mommy we went to the mall. Zahara got me some pretty stuff. Wanna see it?" Gia smiled. Salina held a hand to her temple and closed her eyes.

"Not now Gia. Mommy's tired. I just wanted to know where y'all disappeared off to, without me knowing."

Zahara rolled her eyes as she looked between her mother and Gia. She didn't know why this witch was lying. She had let her know last night that she was gonna take Gia out to shop. Clearly she wasn't here right now. She looked like she had been drinking and her hair was a mess. It wouldn't be a shock to Zahara if her mom's little 'fiancee' came by.

"Ok..." Gia replied sadly. It broke Zahara's heart at how Salina never paid much attention to Gia.

"I'll make it up to you I promise. Ok baby?" Salina spoke. Gia crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's what you always say. Zi Zi is the only one that pays attention to me."

Salina looked shocked at what just came out of Gia's mouth. Zahara couldn't help but to smirk. She was holding in her laugh that was threatening to burst out of her mouth. Apparently Gia was tired of the mistreatment also.

"That's not true." Salina said. "I do pay attention to you."

Gia shook her head. "No you don't. Zi Zi takes me to school everyday. She picks me up everyday. She cooks for me and it tastes better than your food. She buys me stuff that you never do. She plays with me, gives me a bath, tucks me in and tells me she loves me. She's the best sister in the world."

Zahara smiled, feeling proud at what Gia explained to their mother. It wasn't nothing but the truth and Salina was finally getting a taste of her own medicine.

Salina looked from Gia to Zahara and looked livid. You could tell she was angry by the ugly scowl that was on her face.

"Gia go to your room. I'll talk to you in a minute." Salina said, pointing to the hallway.


"No but's. Go." Salina replied, sternly. Gia huffed and stomped off to her room. Once the door closed Salina turned her attention to Zahara.

"You..." she started. "You told her to say all that shit didn't you?"

Zahara rolled her eyes. "She's six years old. She's old enough to know who does what and who doesn't. It's not my fault you don't make the time for her."

Salina shook her head and laughed. "If I had the time I would spend time with her."

"Sure you would. You have the time but you choose not to spend time with her. All your worried about is your so called fiancee. Who is close to my age I might add. Your gonna treat her just like you treated me growing up. I refuse to let you do that to her. You'll get what's coming to you very soon."

Salina stared at Zahara as if she was ready to pounce on her. She got up from the couch and smoothed out her t-shirt which was the only form of clothing she had on.

"Whatever. I don't have the time to hear your bull shit."

"My point exactly." Zahara replied, turning to walk towards her room.

Closing the door behind her she laid her things down on her bed and plopped down beside it. She didnt understand why evil people like her mother even existed.

                      ♡Three Days Later

Zahara was on her way to pick up Gia from school. She only stayed half the day because she said she wasn't feeling well, so Zahara decided to pick her up early. If it was up to Salina she more than likely would've left her there and told her she would be fine.

Pulling up to the front of the school Zahara parked in the pick up lane and got out. Today was gloomy and wet it had been raining for two days straight, so it didn't surprise her that Gia was feeling sick. This kind of weather would do that to you.

Walking inside the school building and into the main office Zahara could see Gia sitting down in one of the chairs, looking sad. She walked over to Gia and grabbed her small hand.

"Come on so I can sign you out."

Gia nodded and stood up slowly. Zahara walked to the desk and picked up a pen to sign Gia out. Once she was done she said goodbye to the office assistant and headed back to the car. As they walked Gia was dragging her feet.

"What's wrong?" Zahara asked, stopping and bending down to Gia's level.

"My stomach hurts... and I feel hot."

Zahara lifted her hand up to check Gia's temperature. She was burning up.

"Ok. Well I'm gonna stop by the store and get you some medicine ok? Then I'll make you some soup and let you lay down."

Gia nodded slowly. "Ok..."

Zahara picked Gia up and carried her small body the rest of the way to the car. She felt bad that she couldn't do much about Gia not feeling good. Gia was a very healthy little girl so when she got sick Zahara always got worried.

Opening the back door and putting Gia in she helped her buckle her seatbelt and shut the door behind her. Getting jnto the drivers seat she started the engine and clicked her seatbelt on. Pulling out of the school's parking lot their destination was wal-mart that was just down the street.


After getting the medicine and soup from the store, and making it home without Gia getting sick, Zahara helped Gia out of the car and into the house. She sat her down on the couch and took her book bag to her room. Setting down her own things in her own room, Zahara walked back into the living room.

She looked down at Gia who was whining and had her eyes closed. Bending down to touch her head she felt that she was hotter than she was before. Standing back up Zahara walked into the kitchen to start warming up the soup for Gia but was startled when she heard Gia scamper off quickly to the bathroom.

Putting the pot down and quickly walking to the bathroom Zahara slowly pushed the door open to see Gia hunched over the toilet. She rubbed Gia's back as she emptied her stomach of whatever she had to eat this morning. Once she was done Zahara helped her wash off her face and rinse her mouth. She carried her back to the couch and laid her down. Gia closed her eyes which gave Zahara the chance to finish what she started.

Once the soup was warmed up Zahara put some into a small bowl and grabbed some crackers from the cabinet to put on the side. Gia always loved her soup with crackers. She then poured Gia a small glass of ginger ale to help settle her stomach. Carrying everything to the dining room table and setting it down Zahara walked back to the couch to get Gia up to eat.

"Gi Gi wake up. It's time to eat."

Gia didn't respond. Zahara shook her this time.

"Gi Gi. Wake up!" she said, a little louder than before. Gia still didn't move.

"Gia!" Zahara yelled, shaking her more forcefully. When she still didn't move Zahara began to panic.

She leaned down to hear if she was breathing and saw that her breathing was labored. She touched her head and it felt like she was on fire. Running to her room and grabbing her purse she quickly picked Gia up and was out the door. She knew she had to get her to the hospital and quick.

She couldn't lose another person.




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