Chapter ♡ 3

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                      Zahara walked out of the dollar tree at 10 p.m. on the dot. She dragged her feet beneath her as she walked into the parking lot to her car. Opening her car doors after unlocking them, she got inside and started the engine. Turning on the radio and clicking on her seatbelt, she put the car in reverse pulling out of the parking spot she was in.

Twenty minutes later, Zahara pulled into the driveway of her house and parked her car. She cut the engine and got out. Locking the doors with her keypad, she fumbled around with her keys and got the key into the front door. She hated how her mom would never leave the porch light on, knowing that she would be coming home when it's dark as hell.

After getting the door unlocked, she pushed the door open and walked inside. She closed and locked the door behind her and walked through the dark living room. Zahara cut on the light as she stepped into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she pulled out two cups of fruit cocktail and a granola bar from the cabinet. Turning off the light, she walked down the hall to her room to hear her mom laughing.

Zahara didn't want to eavesdrop but she couldn't help but to since her ass was so loud. She stepped into the bathroom in the hall to act like she was gonna use it. But she was really just going to listen to her mothers conversation. Closing the door behind her, she turned on the light and locked the door.

'No he's not getting out anytime soon. I'm sure of that....

He's been in there for six years now. They gave him eight though.

Hahaha. I made sure his ass got what he deserved when I lied to that police officer about him putting his hands on me...

No baby I promise nobody will get in the way of us getting married...

She can't do shit. I'll put her ass in jail too...'

Zahara couldn't believe what she was hearing. Now that she heard everything she wished she could have recorded it and took the recording down to the police station. She hated her mother with a passion. She had never met someone so damn evil in her life, it was crazy.

Hearing enough, Zahara walked out of the bathroom and into her room quickly shutting her door. She slipped off her shoes  after throwing her purse and phone down. Stripping out of her clothes, she walked to her bathroom and got ready to take a shower.

                                   After being in the shower for fifteen minutes, Zahara got out and dried off. She lotioned up and pulled on her panties. She got a plain t-shirt to sleep in and took her hair out of the bun it was in. Climbing into her bed, Zahara put her phone onto her charger and opened up her fruit cocktail to eat right quick. Once she was done her phone vibrated against her night stand. Picking it up she unlocked it and looked at the text message.

From Nyla

Hey girl. Wyd I haven't talked to u in over a week. I've been soo busy smh

10:45 p.m.

Zahara smiled to herself and got ready to reply to her only friend.

Nyla had been friends with Zahara since eighth grade and throughout high school is when they got very close. Nyla and Zahara got along quickly since they both had similarities. They both stayed to themselves, as most would call them 'quiet girls' in school. They also went through the same mental and emotional abuse by their mothers since they were children. Only difference was Nyla didn't have any siblings. But she was adopted so her mother wasn't her biological mother.

To Nyla

I've been wondering where you've been. But I didn't wanna bug you. I'm just laying here staring at the cieling.

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