Chapter ♡ 7

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A Week Later

                                 It was a Saturday afternoon and Zahara had promised to take Gia to the mall to go shopping. She loved taking Gia places that Salina wouldn't take her to. She always had an excuse as to why she couldn't take Gia somewhere lately. It always pissed Zahara off though as to why she had so many damn excuses.

Zahara had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready to check on Gia to see if she had been dressed yet when she heard Salina yelling in the living room. Probably with her 'so called' fiancee.

Trying to tune her out, Zahara turned on some music from her phone and started pulling on her black skinny jeans, as well as red t-shirt. Pulling on some socks and her tennis shoes Zahara walked into the bathroom to start on her hair. She had decided to wear it bone straight today, rather than her natural curls.

After straightening half her hair there was a small knock on her door. Knowing it was Gia, she put the flat iron down on her bathroom counter and opened her room door.

"Can I come in? I'm tired of hearing mommy yell." Gia asked. Zahara nodded.

Gia came inside as Zahara quickly closed the door behind her. Zahara turned on her tv for Gia to watch as she walked back towards the bathroom to finish the other half of her head. Once she was done she slid some sandals on her feet and held her hand out for Gia to grab.

Walking into the living room Zahara looked around to see if Salina was still there. Surprisingly she was nowhere to be found. Breathing a sigh of relief, Zahara opened the front door and down the driveway to get into her car.


Zahara lugged around six different shopping bags that were all for Gia. She didn't mind spoiling her because she deserved it more than anybody else. Wanting to shop for herself, Zahara decided against it. Today was all about Gia.

"Can we get some ice cream?" Gia asked, as they got closer to the food court. Zahara smiled.


Walking into the food court and to the 'Dairy Queen', Zahara stood in line and looked at the vast selection of ice creams, milkshakes, blizzards and sundaes.

"What do you want Gi Gi?"

"Um... I want a butterscotch dipped cone." she smiled.


"What are you gonna get?" Gia asked, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Uh... I think I'll get a cake batter waffle cone blizzard."

"Oh. Ok."

Zahara turned her attention back to the line. The line wasn't too long but long enough. As she looked off to the surroundings around her, she couldn't help but notice a guy that kept slick eyeing her. When they would make eye contact he would smile at her which made her blush. She didn't know why he kept eyeing her but it was making her feel some type of way.

"What is he staring at?" Gia blurted out. Zahara giggled.

"Shhh! Don't be so loud Gi Gi. I think he heard you."

Gia rolled her eyes. "Ok. Well I think he likes you."

Zahara blushed and shook her head. She knew the guy had to have some interest in her but she didn't even know how to go about talking to a guy. She had never even had a boyfriend before and to her talking to a guy that was attractive was very intimidating.

"Come on. We're up next." Zahara said, pulling Gia by her small hand.

As they got up to the counter Zahara placed their order, paid and then stepped off to the side to wait for their ice cream. As they waited the guy that kept looking at Zahara made his way over to the two. Zahara felt her heart beat pick up and she started to feel nervous.

"Hi." he spoke, smiling and showing off his whites. Zahara smiled nervously.


"I just wanted to let you know that your very beautiful. I've never seen you around here before." he stated. Zahara blushed and moved her hair out of her face.

"Thank you. I don't go out much."

"Oh ok. Well my name is Gabriel." he smirked, holding his hand out for Zahara to shake. Zahara smiled and shook his hand.


"Ooo. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Gia made a gagging sound, making Zahara playfully hit her. They were called for their ice cream and they each picked them up. Gabriel watched the two and smiled to himself. Zahara turned back around and stood close to Gabriel again.

"Well I won't hold you up. But I was wanting to know if I could get your number?"

Zahara smiled nervously. She didn't even know this guy and he was already asking for her number. No boy had ever had her number and she didn't know if this was the right thing to do.

"Y-yea. Sure." Zahara half smiled. Gabriel held out his phone for her to take and key her number in.

"Thanks beautiful. I'll shoot you a text in a little while. Have a nice rest of the day."

Zahara blushed while Gia looked unimpressed. "Thanks. I will."

Gabriel smiled one last time before walking off. Zahara couldn't help but watch him the whole time he walked away. Gia nudged Zahara in her side.

"Can we go now? Or are you just gonna stand there daydreaming?" Gia asked, with clear attitude.

Zahara laughed. "Yea we can. Sorry."

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