Chapter ♡ 10

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                           "Are you sure that your mother would do this? This is a very serious matter?" Dr. Stewart asked.

"Yes. There's no doubt in my heart. She's a very evil person." Zahara replied, turning her attention back to Gia.

"Alright well I'll make sure to put in a report as soon as I get to my office. Thank you for being honest."

Zahara simply nodded and watched Dr. Stewart walk out of the room. Zahara blew out a sigh of relief and walked over to Gia's bedside. Sitting down beside her she watched as Gia's small body rose and fell with each breath she took.

"Everything is gonna be ok. I promise I'll never let her hurt you again." Zahara said, stroking Gia's mass of thick curls.

                        ♡Four Days Later

"What was the reason for you purposely trying to poison your child?" The judge asked Salina.

Salina tried her best to keep her fake tears flowing. She knew if she acted her best she would get away with her little plan to get rid of Gia. Next would be Zahara.

"I didn't poison my child! I would never do something like that to her."

The judge seemed unphased by the antics that Salina was trying to portray. She had seen all of this before and it wasn't gonna be the last time. If Salina thought she could doop a judge who had years of experience she was dreadfully wrong.

"Please cut the act Mrs. Smith. I'm not very pleased at how you think that I'm a fool. I've seen plenty of people try to play the victim role when they know good and well that they did something. If you don't want to admit it, I can have a polygraph done on you so that way I know that there's no doubt that you tried to kill your child. I don't know what in the world would make you want to do that to an innocent child but may the lord help you. So I'm gonna give you one more chance to tell the truth. If you decide to play games trust me you'll lose."

Zahara shook her head at hearing the judges response. She knew her mother wasn't going to admit that she did what she did. Her mother was evil and conniving. She would do anything in her power to get out of the dirt she did to people.

Salina swallowed hard but kept a poker face. She had already been asked to come to court for admitting that she lied to putting Zahara's father in prison but now she would probably be facing life in prison for almost killing Gia. Knowing that the stakes were high she was gonna try her damn near hardest to prove she was innocent. She couldn't let Will get out and ruin the plans she had worked so hard to make once she had Zahara and Gia out of her life. She knew chances were slim of getting out of this situation but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Like I said before I did not poison my child. I love her more than anything in this world and I wouldn't dare lay a finger on her. I don't know who told you this false information but I swear that I didn't do that to her." Salina stated with a straight face. The judge sighed heavily and fixed her glasses. She folded her hands and put her index fingers up to her lips.

"Alright... Since you like to play games Mrs. Smith we will play along with you. I order a polygraph test to be done along with a mental evaluation. I seriously think that you have some major issues that you need to be evaluated. No normal person does and acts the way you do. Once those are done we will move along with finishing this case. If the results are conclusive then you will be serving years to life. Your husband will be released and you'll have plenty of time to let the guilt you have eat you alive. C-"

"He's not my husband!" Salina interrupted.

The judge smirked. "Technically he still is. You two were never separated nor has there been a file for divorce. So I don't even see how you planned on 'trying' to marry another man. Court adjourned!"

The gavel was pounded and everyone started to file out of the court room. Zahara slowly stood and glanced at Salina who had a look of fury on her face. Meeting eyes with Zahara, Salina frowned at her and then looked away. Then judge didn't tell her that Zahara was the one who told Dr. Stewart about her poisoning Gia but Salina knew for a fact it was her. Salina never liked how Zahara couldn't keep her mouth closed.

Walking out of the court room and into the hallway Zahara walked out into the lobby where Gia was sitting with Ms. Tanner her social worker. Gia had been taken with CPS ever since the authorities got involved. Zahara hoped that once her eight-teenth birthday came along she could take Gia into her own care. Gia looked up at Zahara with sad eyes. It hurt Zahara to see Gia like this because no child should ever be harmed intentionally by their parents.

Once this all came to an end Zahara hoped that her father would return home and take them both away from the place they once called home. Zahara didn't know how long this process was gonna take but as long as the witch of a woman got put behind bars, that's all that mattered to her. Salina was no longer who she called mother. For all she knew her mother died years ago when her father was taken away from her.


This story will probably be ending in the next chapter. Didn't plan on making this a long story.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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