Chapter Three: Creatures

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Many people believe in different methods of Immortality. The main one is the Immortal quality of the soul: it lives on, through reincarnation, through trauma, through everything and anything imaginable. Another one is the Immortal Drink in Egypt, the method usually used in movies and novels; it was distorted to the great extent that people now believe that the Vampiire drinks from you, although it was quite the opposite to begin with.

I was not made Immortal by any of the mundane methods. I had reached a point in my life where I had pretty much given up; my father was corrupt, insanely so, after the death of my mother and my four brothers. I had decided to put an end to everything, and so I stood in my chamber with the rope around my neck, willing myself to drop from the chair.

But as I dropped from the chair, feeling my neck snap and falling quickly unconscious, I somehow knew that I wasn't going to be dead for long. I found myself in a large meadow, surrounded by trees, flowers and eccentric, beautiful wildlife. A young man of around my own age was walking across the meadow, and stopped a few metres away from me, and offered me a gift. I did not know what kind of gift he would give me, and so I reluctantly accepted, out of foolish curiosity. He told me to turn around and close my eyes, and then to hold my breath, and not to breathe again until he told me to. I was rather wary, but in a strange state of calm that seemed unexplanable, and so did what he said. He pressed his palms against my shoulder-blades, and then an excruciating pain shot down my spine, and through every bone in my body. I tried to cry out, but something wouldn't let me open my mouth, and I couldn't breathe. The pain went on for around another ten seconds or so, and then I fell unconscious in the meadow.

I now know this "gift" as more of a curse, if anything. The man, Jinxx, is like my patron, or my mentor, and gives me jobs to do, such as extermination, or protection over a certain being, and trains and teaches me how to better my combat and defense styles.

I was told by Jinxx that in a few months' time after my becoming a Fallen Angel, in the early autumn of 1568, a young girl would come to me in a hall full of people, and I was to protect this girl with my life. I was not told why, but something told me that I just had to do it. And when she came to me in a grandoise ball held by my father one early autumn evening, I suddenly knew that this was no joke. When she was killed by Werrwulfen a few months after our meeting, I was informed that she was to come back into the world in little over 400 years' time as a reincarnation. I was told to do the same thing, to protect her with my life. But by the time she came back into the world, I already knew what she would become, and I stood by her side throughout her whole life, a close protector shielded in the camouflage of my Glamoure to appear child-like. And when she grew into a young woman, I fell for her all over again. But I was informed by Jinxx that I was to keep a cover-story for when I had to inform her of her true legacy, and say that I had been saved by Werrwulfen, two of which were close childhood friends of hers. I have stuck by this for years, watching over Kristy and wanting nothing more than to remain by her side. My year-long absence was my way of testing myself, to see if I could stay away from her and still protect her, as it seemed like staying away from her as much as possible seemed to be for the best. But after twelve long months of avoiding her, I realised that I just couldn't do it. I was deeply in love with her, too much so for my own good. And so I returned, but changed my appearance and such to that of which I looked like back when I lived in Damnatalia with my father, Larten Helyer, the King of the New World.

I open the door on Kristy's side of the car, lifting her out carefully. I carry her up to the front door, ringing the doorbell as I hold her gently yet carefully.

I recognise the man that opens the door instantly; Ronnie Motionless, Kristy's father. I know this because my father frequently comes to "visit his fridge", with gifts of takeaway pizzas and crates of beer.

It takes Ronnie a second to recognise me, and then he squints, as if trying to see a resemblance between the old Laurence Helyer and me, the "stranger" standing on his porch with his unconscious daughter in my arms.

"Laurence? Laurence Helyer? Emery's kid? What are you doing here? And what happened to Kristy?" He opens the door wider and steps to the side to let me through, and motions for me to take her upstairs.

"I showed up at the Garage when I heard Kristy was playing there, and I wanted to support her. Her friend Andy snapped the strings on his guitar and couldn't play, after damaging his hand. I stepped in and saved the day, or something along those lines. I was told that every time Kristy plays in venues, she passes out, and so I told her band-mates that she had to skip meeting fans at the end, because she fell unconscious."

"Ah. Makes perfect sense." He walks up the stairs and opens the door at the top, holding it open for me. "She passes out after every gig? That's something I've never heard of her doing before."

"I was just as confused, Ronnie, I'm sure you'll understand."


I place Kristy carefully down on the bed, squeezing her hand gently and then turning to face Ronnie.

"Okay, well, uh...I had best leave before she wakes up."


"I can't really explain, but-"

"Hey, at least stay for something to eat, yeah?"

I sigh; I can't deny him something as simple as that, especially since I don't have a valid reason to leave straight away.

"Okay. Sure."

Mealtimes with Mortals are awkward; I don't eat as much as when I was a Mortal, and people think it's unnatural that I'm not exactly wasting away for a while yet.

"How come you don't eat much and yet you...well, you're bigger boned than you used to be, anyway."

I smile slightly, taking a small bite from my apple. "How do you mean?"

"Well, before you...changed so much, you used to be really thin, like a twig. Now you're...bigger-built..." I suspect that what he means is I'm fatter than I used to be. I'm aware that my face is rounder than it used to be, and I'm a little more...well, plump, I suppose.

"Well, I guess that has something to do with exercising?" I suggest, Ronnie shakes his head.

"No, I mean...well, your shoulders are, like...bigger than they used to be-"

"You mean my shoulders are broader?"

"Yeah, whatever."

I hear footsteps behind me, and then a half-asleep Kristy sits down on the sofa next to Ronnie, smiling slightly at her father and then at me.

"What happened?" Ronnie asks, leaning forward in his chair. I sigh to myself - natural parent-paranoia - and then frown slightly. Kristy meets my gaze from across the room, and pulls a face that says this is awkward.

"I think I should be going now. I should really tell my father that I'm back in town."

"Oh, sure." Ronnie nods, and I meet Kristy's eyes.

"Do you want to do something tomorrow?" I see Ronnie's accusing scowl, and then smile slightly. "I mean, just to catch up and all."

"Sure. That'd be great." Kristy smiles. "I...I'll see you out, then, I guess." She shoots Ronnie a Look, and then walks with me to the door. I can hear the accusations in Ronnie's thoughts, and resist the urge to burst out laughing at the ridiculous theories he's come up with.

Kristy opens the front door, and I take her hand, squeezing it softly once we're out of Ronnie's line of sight.

"I'll pick you up at one o'clock tomorrow?" She nods slowly, and I bring her hand to my lips, kissing it gently. She flushes red, and I smile slightly. "Until then." I turn quickly, walking towards my car. I'm aware of her eyes on me as I slide into the driver's seat and drive away.

* * *

[Picture: Alex Gaskarth, I've based Alex's image around that sassy fellow.]

[Video: Creatures by Motionless In White. Yes, I like MIW, how could you tell?]

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