Chapter Six: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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I rake a hand through my hair as I push into a sitting position, groaning. That has got to be the worst night's sleep I've ever had, no doubt about it. Just as I swing my legs around and proceed to push to my feet sleepily, my bedroom door opens slowly, and my dad's cold blue eyes staring at me accusingly.

"Morning." I smile; he frowns even deeper.

"You've got a visitor. He's waiting outside for you." I blink in surprise, and walk over to the window; sure enough, Laurence is parked at the side of the road, leaning against his car again, clad in another pair of black jeans, a dark blue t-shirt and a black hoodie. He glances up and smiles slightly when he meets my gaze, and I flush red.

"You going out, or what?"

"Yes, dad. I'm going out."

I quickly tug open a drawer, pulling out a clean pair of red jeans and a black t-shirt, and my dad turns away, facing the door as I get changed.

"I won't be out for long." I say, hopping into my jeans quickly. "Just for a little while."

I tug my t-shirt over my head, before crossing the room again. Just as I go to walk out the door, my dad thumps his hand against the doorframe, preventing my exiting the room without ducking under him. He steps in front of me, folding his arms across his chest and frowning even deeper than before, eyebrows furrowed and his face contorted into something that almost looks like a scowl. I gulp slightly.

"I don't like it. Ever since Laurence came back, you've changed."

"How so?" I ask; he arches an eyebrow, still scowling down at me.

"You're never with your band anymore, and you...well, your...relationship, I guess, has changed with Laurence ever since he came back. What is it, the hair? The eyeliner? I don't know-"

"Dad. Can I go now, please?"

He harrumphs slightly, and then nods slightly, just a slight gesture of reluctant agreement, and then steps out of the way. I'm out of the room, down the stairs and out of the front door in record time, and I ignore my dad's petty protests of "no running in the house" and "you'll hurt yourself diving out of the door like that" as I move quickly towards a slightly startled Laurence.

As I walk around the car, I growl under my breath, "Start the car, before he comes out here and decides to give us the Talk." I close the car door, and Laurence is starting the car less than ten seconds later. As he drives down the street, a slight smile plays around his lips.

"What's so funny?" I ask, and he glances sideways at me just briefly, before concentrating on the road.

"Nothing in particular."

"No, seriously, what?"

"You look really pissed off, so I'm guessing that your father started somewhat of an argument with you."

"I didn't do anything to make him start an argument... Wait, why do you find that so amusing?"

"No reason...apart from the fact that your father has clearly taken a disliking towards me."

"Understatement." I mutter, and then sigh. "Sorry if I'm being moody or whatever, I just-"

"Hey, it's okay. My father tends to piss me off, too, on occasion." He pats my hand reassuringly, and then sighs. "Well, I thought perhaps you would like to come and meet my f...f-family." He stammers out the last word with great difficulty, and I frown.

"Don't I already know your family? Your dad, and-"

"I have a confession to make. My...well, Emery, who you believe to be my father? He's not. I..."

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