Chapter Fifteen: Behind Closed Doors

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The Damnatan Chamber, Damnatalia


"Where is the girl?!" My brother snarls, face contorted with impatient rage. I sigh; Silvano has always been the more temperamental of us. I can handle my temper, and I prefer to handle matters quietly and maturely.

"I do not know." I sit down slowly, and Silvano snorts, still pacing. "Give Mitsuru and Ennaleazer some time, and a fragment of your almost non-existent patience. You owe it to them for doing this for you-"

"I owe them nothing, until they actually carry out this task then I owe them nothing!"

I sigh, and Venus kneels down on the floor in front of us, palms pressed firmly against the cold patterned-marble flooring. I watch her slowly as she closes her eyes and tunes into the earth; she is using her affinity of earth to track our sisters and find news of their progress.

"What news is there, Venus?" I ask, knowing that this will take only a second for her to track our sisters.

"Yeah, where the hell are those good-for-nothings?" Silvano snarls, malice filling his tone, eyes filled with impatience and anger. I know his anger isn't targeted at anyone in particular, it's just that he's too impatient and immature to wait too long for his Oracle.

"They are close. They...they have encountered two of the Werrwulfen from the infamous Diurna Pack, and they are Tracking the whereabouts of Kristy Motionless and Laurence Helyer."

"Good. Then be ready. I will kill the Fallen Angel myself. Just be sure that Ennaleazer and Mitsuru bring the Oracle and her suitor to me. I will deal with the rest." Silvano snarls, and I growl, pushing quickly to my feet and flitting over to stand in front of him. I press a firm hand against his chest to stop his pacing, and his fire-red eyes boar coldly through my own, blazing a storm.

"Unhand me, brother."

"No." I reply defiantly. "Listen to me, Silvano. You will not handle this by yourself. Killing the Fallen Angel will only cause the Militia of the Damned to rise again. And I think you and I both know that the Archangels have made our rivals stronger. We cannot afford to lessen our numbers by waging a war with the Archaic."

Silvano snorts, chuckling, although he is hardly amused. "What, are you saying that we are no match for the Archaic?" He turns on me quickly once again, and I shake my head, narrowing my eyes at him considerably.

"In our current detached state, yes. They are much stronger than us. It is for this reason that we will not kill the Fallen Angel known as Laurence Helyer. You may have your Oracle, and you may do with her what you will. But the Fallen is to remain unharmed."

"And why is this so?" Silvano snarls.

Venus speaks up, her voice timid and quiet. "Laurence Helyer was previously part of the Militia. Many a year ago, it was, and long after the downfall of the Militia. He is the son of Larten Helyer-"

"The founder of the Militia?" Silvano snarls, and his eyes are blazing a stronger and more deadly storm than before. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have had him beheaded many a year ago! Why, I had no recollection of Larten Helyer having a son-"

"Silvano." I snarl.

"When I see him, I do not care what you say, he's a dead man-"

"Silvano..." I warn him, but he keeps going.

"I don't care what any of you say, what any of you try to do to stop me, Larten Helyer was a traitor of Immortal-kind, and his son shall obviously be no better-"

"Silvano!" I roar, and kinetic energy flies from my hand, pushing him back. He flies back through the air, somersaulting before landing on his feet in crouch, fingertips barely brushing the marble flooring. His nostrils are flaring, eyes no longer red, but pure black, his face paler than usual for a Vampiire, his incisors lengthening and stretching down past his bottom lip.

Venus sighs, stepping between us. We all know fine well that Silvano would never hurt Venus, or even Ennaleazer.

Mitsuru, however, is another matter altogether.

"Brothers. Please, do not fight so. Laurence Helyer is not to be harmed, as he is not the man we should be after. He shall not hold the Oracle's heart for much longer.

"What?" Silvano straightens up slighten, eyes narrowing even more.

"He is but a selfish being, lusting after a girl that should not be his."

"A deciever?" I ask.

"Not quite, my brother." Venus tells me, meeting my gaze quickly. "He was assigned by the Militia and Jinxx to protect the Oracle until she blossoms. But he is not a born Fallen Angel, so her pheromone is affecting him."

"So who shall hold the Oracle's heart? Who shall be her Mate?"

"Oliver Lost." She tells us.

"Of the Militia of the Damned?"

She nods slowly, as if confirming some unspoken statement in her head, and then her mouth sets in a grim, straight line, face pale and eyes filled with nothing but cold malice.

"Then we must confront Mikhael about this boy. He shall know what to do."

I sigh, knowing that Silvano is right. "Of course." And, regulation for the oldest of our family, I will have to be the one to confront our brother, whether he agrees to it or not.

* * *

[Video: Behind Closed Doors by Rise Against]

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