Chapter Fourteen: A Prophecy

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I stare down in utter horror at the book in my hands, and then drop it quickly, disgusted and horrified, leaving it to thump against the tabletop as I quickly push to my feet.

"What the hell..." I whisper, and Laurence touches my arm gently, reassuringly. I wrench my arm away from his gentle touch, and step away from the table, the chair falling to the ground and clattering against the marble flooring. Seth stands up slowly, looking suddenly concerned, but I can't take my eyes off of the book, the words still circling around in my head, like a whirlpool of menacing and demeaning thoughts, demanding my attention, demanding they be noticed by someone that will understand it.

The object of Silvano Damnatan's deepest desires... The prophesied Oracle... The last oracle in existence... Stop at nothing to have this woman for his own... Prophetess and Oracle...

I feel bile rising in my throat, and take another step backwards as I swallow the rising bile, my throat burning from the acids, my head spinning from sudden nausea. I feel suddenly dizzy, and I fall back onto the floor, staring into space, unable to speak, unable to think. A fresh young Mortal female to become a Mate to one of the two Damnatan males, and to become a Prophetess for the coven... They're hunting down the last Oracle in existence... They're hunting me down like I'm their next meal...

I don't move, even when Laurence and Seth try to talk sense into me; everything around me is an echoed, shallow blur, and my thoughts are mixing together to try and form some kind of conclusion in my mind as to what the hell is happening. I know they said it would take a while for me to absorb everything, but this is bloody ridiculous!

"...Kristy, come on, speak to me. Come on, say something." Laurence's eyes are filled with fear, pain, anxiety, hysteria, worry, and everything else that could come with this situation. He is gripping my upper-arms tightly, shaking m slightly to try and grasp my attention, but everything is still a dark and extremely warped blur of hysteria, confusion, fear and anxiety. I can see Seth's worried expression as he crouches next to me, his hand resting gently on my shoulder. I can hear what he is saying, just as I can hear what Laurence is saying.

"Kristy. Say something; you know you'll have to grasp the concept of being an Oracle sooner or later. There's no need to be afraid; we're here to protect you, that's why you were assigned protectors, and your Guardian. You have no need to be worried, or afraid. We will not let Silvano get to you; I will not allow it, never mind Laurence. So come on, speak to us. Tell us what's wrong. You can talk to us about it if you need to, Kristy." He sounds so calm, so normal, as if he were just speaking to something as mundane and everyday as a best friend.

I fight against the fear and confusion gathering in my gut, and tear my gaze from the book on the table, my vision coming back into focus, everything sounding normal again. My thoughts of hysteria are fading quickly, and Laurence's grip loosens on my arms as I meet his gaze. I look to Seth, and then it all catches up with me again. I push slowly to my feet, and then shake my head, pulling a hand through my hair, my breathing erratic, heart beating a tattoo in my chest, my hands shaking and my legs suddenly unable to support my weight. I feel myself falling forward into someone's arms, and as my eyes close, I catch a brief glimpse of extremely dark brown eyes, brass goggles glaring in the light reflected from the chandeliers above our heads. Unconsciousness creeps ever-closer as I struggle to keep my eyes open, and then Seth eases me gently to the ground, resting my head on his lap as he kneels with me. Laurence presses a hand against my suddenly extremely hot cheek, and I meet his gaze for a short moment, before I close my eyes and feel unconsciousness creeping over me and dragging me under.

The last thing I feel as I fall into that dark and uninviting cloak of darkness is Seth's hand squeezing mine gently, and Laurence's hand against my cheek.

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