Chapter Thirty: Time Bomb

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The loud, booming voice of my new Werrwulfen companion rings out around the room as he strolls through the double doors, eyes glaring. He stops in front of me, taking my hand and kissing the back gently. "Mitsuru. I am afraid that I have some news that may gravely lower your spirits."

My eyes instantly narrow, and I study the young boy closely. His eyes are wide and staring, innocent yet full of corruption, and I snort softly.

"What is this news, Aryx? I pray it is not too troubling."

"O-of course not, Mitsuru. It is simply news of Jake and Janus, the two Werrwulfen from Diurna?"

"What of them?" I circle him slowly, knowing that I am intimidating to him, knowing that I simply ooze demeanour, especially when Aryx is around.

"Well, have returned to the ranks of the Nocturna-"

"What?!" I snarl, suddenly outraged. I entrusted this boy with the sole duty of keeping the Diurna together, in order to strengthen our chances of having a larger force on our side, and he lets them leave?!

"Mitsuru, I understand that you are upset-"

"Upset! I'm outraged! How dare you let them leave! I thought we had this all sorted out! We would strengthen the ranks of the Diurna in order to defeat the higher forces, and throw my brothers from their high horses!"


"You have failed me, Aryx. And for such an act, you will be made to suffer the consequences." I quickly draw my sword from my scabbard, just as he does with his own, and the metal blades of our swords scratch against one another's. His movements are quick, but not quick enough, because soon I slice right down his torso, and he falls to the ground, gasping in pain. I point the blade against his heart, and he breathes heavily, watching me warily, wide-eyed in terror.

"Looks like I once again have a great leader beneath the tip of my sword. Why did you let them get away, you foolish boy?!"

"It was not mine own fault, Mitsuru; it is hard to control a Pack of free-thinking Werrwulfen. And besides, they seemed to have deeper motives for leaving the Pack-"

"Nonsense, Aryx. You simply failed to keep them within the ranks of the Diurna, and so are using simple, mundane excuses. I thought I knew you as better than this, boy, but obviously you are just as shallow as any other Mortal-"

"No!" He snarls. "I am not shallow, not Mortal. I am here to serve you, Mitsuru-"

"Then serve me you must!" Anger fills my entire being in an instant, and I drive the sword deep into his chest. He gasps softly, his eyes widening with pain, fright and shock, and then he meets my angered gaze, his lips slightly parted as he looks at me.

"Mitsuru..." He whispers. "I wish nothing more..than to serve you..." His breathing becomes heavy, and then I realise what I have done, and freeze up, my eyes widening and my lips shaping a perfect 'O'.

"Aryx." I whispers, crouching down beside him, still firmly gripping the hilt of my sword. "I apologise, but I-"

"You did not...really think that I would be...stupid enough to think that you...cared for me? You do not care...about anyone else but yourself, Mitsuru..."

I just stare down at him, bewildered. Because he's right. All this time, I've spoken sweet, promising words of love, becoming his Mate, ruling over Damnatalia together... But I've never really cared for him. Never felt love for the boy. And somehow now it feels dirty, it feels disgusting. Like using him was never truly fulfilling anything. Of course, he is a plentiful source of information, and a perfect link to the Diurna and the Nocturna. Although, I was already going to dispose of him as soon as I had power over the Diurna.

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