Chapter Nineteen: The Legacy

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Diurna Territory, London


"Aryx." Jake and Alex Illingworth are standing before me, scowls on their faces. "What did you do this time?"

I blink in surprise. "Hm? What? Did I do something?"

"You're an idiot." Jake scowls.

"More than an idiot." Alex adds.

"You're moronic." They snarl in unison, and then I get it. I grin childishly.

"Oh. Right. Yeah. Because...because I hunted during the day? Is that seriously it? That's all?"

"'That's all?'!" They snort. "Moron!" I gain two whacks on either side of my head for my troubles, and they both shake their heads at me, gazes accusing. I hear a low growl, and Jake and Alex roll their eyes, before shifting silently, two sandy-brown Werrwulfen standing in their place, the size of horses, almost, eyes glaring accusingly. It's regulation - no, law - to remain in Werrwulfen-form whilst in the presence of an Alpha, but I'm hardly one to stick by laws and such.

The Twins back away, parting to let through our black-furred Alpha, Damon. The Alpha stands before me, green eyes level with mine. He growls at me accusingly, and I just watch him silently.

'You utter idiot.' He snarls, voice ringing darkly and roughly into my mind. 'You dared to shift in the open, in the daylight, and in the presence of Mortals?! Were you never taught the laws of being Werrwulfen?!'

I snort softly, staring at him. "No, Damon, not really. I'm still practically a kid, you can't exactly blame me, right?"

Damon snarls at my response, looming over me and growling deeply. His snout is almost touching my forehead as he stares at me.

'You were never taught the ways of true Werrwulfen, and so it is clear that you are not true Werrwulfen.'

"Oh, really? Y'don't say." I smirk up at him. "Didn't anyone ever actually take the time to tell yu that I'm not true Werrwulfen, because I was bitten, not created through inheritance?" It's true; I was bitten by Werrwulfen in 1906, soon after I turned 15, and Jake and Alex just happened to find me in a ditch after my first change. I'm the youngest member of Diurna, both in human years, and, years.

I could crush you right now if I wanted to-

"Oh, really Damon? Bring it, pup." I take a step to my right, shoving him off, and he growls deeply before taking a step too. I take another, he copies. We circle each other for a few minutes, and I grin wolfishly. Damon knows I'm stronger than him. It's just a matter of time before I grow tired of waiting, kill him and take over the Pack. I bet I would be a much better Alpha than he is. No doubt about it.

'Guys, stop it.' Jake snarls.

'Enough, the pair of you.' Alex growls.

The Twins step in at either side of us, dark brown eyes glaring at us.

'This is not your place.' Damon snarls. 'You have no right to argue with me. No right to stand up to me. You are not Alpha!'

"Well, I would make a better one than you!" I roar, snarling and quickly shifting, ripping at his throat. He moves quickly, fighting with me as we snarl and bite at each other, snapping at legs, necks, and anywhere that will hurt. I snarl loudly, forcing him onto the ground. He yelps, and I loom over him, staring him down.

'You are weak. No longer strong enough to lead the pack. What would you do if a predator stronger than me attacked the Pack? You wouldn't stand a friggin' chance.'

Damon stares up at me coldly, and I press a paw against his throat, claws digging deep into the flesh. He yelps, shifting, just lying in human form, eyes closed tightly and teeth gritted.




"Aryx. This is not how it was meant to be." Damon looks blankly up at me. I snort at his vulnerability.

'Yes. Yes, it is.' He snarls weakly, and I chuckle, shifting into my human form. "This was exactly how it was meant to be. From the moment I joined this Pack, I knew this was how it was meant to be. This is my legacy. So give it up, before I have to kill you."

Jake and Alex snarl, and I briefly glance up to meet their stone-cold, darkened scowls.

" will not kill me. You do not have the...the strength..."

"Who doesn't? Arsebag." I take a dagger from one of the scabbards in my belt, leaning down and pressing the rugged blade against the Alpha's throat. "Any last words?"

"Aryx, you're taking this too far." Jake snarls.

"Give it up before you do something you..." Alex trails off as I drag the blade across Damon's throat, and blood sprays comically. I don't even wince as the red, thick substance splashes against my face and clothes. I drag the blade slowly and dramatically across, and then stand up slowly, kicking his body to roll him around onto his face. I snort softly, and then turn to face a horrified Jake and Alex, who have shifted.

"...Might...regret..." Jake finishes, and then the Twins take a step back, then two. I frown deeply, wiping my face to remove any blood that has splattered during the slaughter of our Alpha.

"What's up? You're not scared of me, are you?" I tease, and then I see where they're really looking, and turn around to look behind me.

Ennaleazer and Mitsuru Damnatan are staring down at Damon's bloodied corpse, Mitsuru looking rather bored, and Ennaleazer just looking slightly shocked. I look at the pair blankly, feeling just as bored as Mitsuru looks, and then they glance up at me.

"You killed your Alpha?" Ennaleazer, the shorter and younger of the pair, asks me, and I nod slowly. Mitsuru suddenly beams at me.

"You have saved us a job; it seems he would be hard to corrupt anyway. Perhaps you would like to come with us instead?" I arch an eyebrow. "We had originally been sent for Damon, but if I remember the rules of Werrwulfen, when an Alpha has been killed, either the next-strongest or the Werrwulfen that killed the Alpha becomes the new Alpha. So congratulations, Aryx. You are the new Alpha of Diurna."

I smile slightly, walking slowly towards Mitsuru. "You know my name?"

"I know the names of all Werrwulfen."

"Lovely." I take her outstretched hand in mine and kiss the back gently, and she smiles graciously.

"Ennaleazer, you know what you have to do. I shall take this young gentleman back to the Damnatan Chamber with me, and you may carry out your responsibilities."

Ennaleazer flushes red, nodding slowly, and then a door-like structure of white light opens up. I recognise this as a portal, one which more than just possibly leads to the Damnatan Chamber in Damnatalia.

"Come, Aryx. Silvano and Clemente will be pleased to hear of your...promotion in Diurna." I nod slowly, and step through the Portal with her, suddenly satisfied with my actions.

* * *

[Video: The Legacy by Black Veil Brides.]

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