Chapter Five: Loverboy

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I close my eyes, flopping down onto my bed. I'm exhausted, and the only thing on my mind at present is sleep.

But when I try to go to sleep, unconsciousness does not seem to want to come. I sigh, sitting up, and wander across the room, standing at the window and looking out silently. As I look out, I feel my eyes brimming with tears of frustration and confusion; it's already beginning to become too much for me. I mean, could it possibly be that fairytales, old stories of ages past...could they all be true? If what I've learned today is true - which it seems to be, no doubt - then my whole world has yet to flourish; I practically know nothing, compared to the likes of Laurence, or Alex and Jake, with their supreme knowledge of Immortals, Hell, Angels, Vampiires, Werrwulfen...

I leave the tears to fall freely, and they stream down my face as I stare coldly and blankly out of the large window, out towards the dark evening of late-September. Ronnie is at Emery's again, and no doubt Laurence will either be out "doing his thing", or at home, enduring the boredom of being in Ronnie and Emery's company.

All of a sudden, I feel like I'm being watched, and I turn around slowly to study my room. No one is here; it is dark in my room, dimly-lit by only a lamp that is placed on the small table beside my bed. I sigh, wiping my eyes, and walk across the room, turning on my laptop and resting it on my bed as I kneel down in front of it. Since I have nothing better to do with my time...

As I check my emails, I can see several messages from Tay, one from Andy, and one from Jake and Alex. I open the one from Andy first, noting that it's dated for the evening of the gig.

'I have good news; the guys at the Garage decided that since we played such a good gig last night, they want us to play again some time, maybe as a regular feature. No doubt Tay's messaged you a few dozen times; she was really excited when they told us after the gig.'

The next several messages are from Tay; probably more emotional and filled with excitement than Andy's message. I click the first one open, suddenly fearful for my sanity; Tay is even more insane in emails than she is in real life, which is saying something.

'Kristy! Guess what, guess what, guess what! The guys from the Garage told us after you'd passed out and Laurence took you home that we can play again at the Garage as a regularly-playing band! Oh, isn't this exciting?! Just awesome! Have the others bothered to tell you yet? Oh, I can't calm down, this is incredible! Oh, you need to come down here and see for yourself!'

I frown, opening the next email.

'Yo!! Where've you been? I've not seen you in days; is it because Loverboy showed up? I don't know what's up with you anymore... Is it because you fainted after the gig again? Although you don't usually do that sort of thing and then turn to '

My frown deepens considerably as I read the next email.

'I asked Loverboy what's up with you, and he wouldn't answer me; are you dead? Andy said you haven't contacted him; Jake and Alex said they saw you, and you seemed pretty much fine, so what's up with you?! Are you in a bad mood with me? What did I do this time? Is it because I asked Loverboy if you two shacked up yet?'

Mortification floods my entire being, and I blink in surprise. She asked him what? And Laurence's new nickname is Loverboy?! I read the rest of the email, face burning bright scarlet.

'He didn't answer me, by the way, probably trying to protect both your innocences...I don't much blame him, to be completely honest... Sorry, I'll stop now. How are you feeling? You haven't spoken to anyone for days, and even the Twins said you didn't say much when they saw you and Loverboy... What's the deal with you two, anyway? You were like brother and sister before he left, and when he left you started our band as a way to keep your mind off of him, but the moment Loverboy comes back into the picture, you've forgotten about the past two days' worth of band practise, and you've not spoken to anyone... Apparently you've been with Loverboy anytime you've left the house, so WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON?! I MUST KNOW!!'

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