It All Started With A Flower

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Flynn's POV:

Well, here you are again, reading another of my stories. Hopefully, you've been up to date on my latest story, which has been made into a movie, so I'll keep this brief. If not, here's a quick recap for those who have no idea who I am.

Once upon a time, there was an old lady named Mother Gothel (keep in mind she isn't that motherly). She needed a magical flower to keep her young, but at the same time, the queen of the kingdom needed the flower to heal herself. She was expecting a baby soon and wanted to keep herself healthy.

So they both used it to fix all of their "horrible" problems. Later on, the queen had her beautiful baby girl and named her Rapunzel. Rapunzel had long, gleaming golden hair and lived happily until Mother Gothel, envious and power-hungry, kidnapped her and kept her locked up in a faraway tower where no one can ever find her.

Sixteen years later, Rapunzel sees floating lights outside her "prison". Meanwhile, I am on the run, stealing treasures, and living an adventurous life. I find Rapunzel and take her to the magical lights. Mother Gothel ends up finding out and takes her back and when I go back to retrieve Rapunzel, Mother Gothel stabs me and as my last move, I slice Rapunzel's hair and kill Mother Gothel.

Get the picture? Let's get back to the point. This is the next chapter of our lives.


The first chapter was basically a recap of everything...

Keep on reading yay!

Word Count: 264 (gosh that's bad)


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