Flying Arrows

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Mother Gothel's POV:

My army and I ran and ran and ran. Many different varieties of arrows were flying from above, where all of the guards and my daughter stood. I cursed silently when I looked back to see that most of my army that I spent so much time conjuring up had died.

A Guard's POV:

I looked down to where Mother Gothel was with her horse, charging towards the castle. She gazed back at her army, apparently lost in thought. I fished out a sharp arrow and readied my bow to shoot her.

This was perfect! She didn't even have one eye at where she was attacking and at the right moment, I let my specially chosen arrow loose. It hit her right in the thigh and I could see her sharp expression of pain from far away.

Mother Gothel's POV (AGAIN):

By now, all of my infantry was killed. Suddenly, it felt like all the oxygen in my lungs was squeezed out and a sharp sting of pain was throbbing on my leg. An arrow had hit me and I looked down to see a hint of maroon blood oozing out of the wound.

In fury, I pulled the arrow out. Surprisingly, I didn't even feel a thing. My anger had consumed me and I whipped out the evil spellbook from my leather satchel. 

I chanted, " Snomed fo eht dlrowrednu!" 

I transformed into the scariest thing that Rapunzel could have imagined.


HAHA I'm back! I actually published another chapter and it has been sooo long!

And anyways, the spell that Mother Gothel chanted earlier translated into," Demons of the underworld."

Word Count: 280 (Everything just declined)


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