That Voice

772 16 3

Flynn's POV

Rapunzel and I walked down the grand stairs of the castle to get to breakfast. Chef Crouton had prepared chocolate-chip waffles with a warm glass of milk to start the day off with a big bang.

"A seat madam?" I said in my "French" accent as I pulled up a chair. I chuckled and held the seat open for her.

"Flynn," she laughed and smacked me on the shoulder, "you know how I don't like it when you do that voice."

She slid into the chair and put her napkin on her lap and sat up straight. I sat in my chair and did the same. Chef Crouton blessed the food and we dug in.

Rapunzel's POV

"Mmm... this is very good," Flynn murmured through a bite of waffle. I thought so as well but didn't want to say anything since I was intently focused on my waffle.

I wiped my mouth on my napkin daintily and stood at the table.

"Come on Flynn." He stood as well and as we walked away he started listing out the tasks that we needed to complete by the end of the day.

"Cake tasting, city council, bandit robberies, city anniversary party planning, and you need to sign a large stack of papers that are now being transferred to your desk using an old wagon."

I tried hiding a laugh when I heard that the stack of papers was being moved to my desk using a wagon. As Flynn ranted on about what I needed to do, I stared down at my bare feet.

We were walking towards the council room to meet the members and little did I know that my peaceful life was about to change entirely.


I swear to Mavis' grave that this was too cheesy...

Good thing I edited it before someone left (haha I bet a lot of people left already)

Oh well

Word Count: 323 (ouch!)


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