I'm Hungry

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Warning. Warning. Cheese overload. Also it's a very stupid chapter if you ask me. Especially the last part XD. But I guess it's supposed to be a filler chapter with a tad bit of cheesy humor incorporated into it. Just saying.


Flynn's POV




After being entrapped in that horrible and lonely prison cell, taking a breath of that fresh air felt like I was on cloud nine. I was and would be forever grateful to my friends from the obnoxious bar, The Ugly Duckling. I started remembering what happened in that enclosed area, before now, I couldn't really think about what happened. All I could imagine was food, and a banquet of it.

The only food that I had gotten over a span of about five days was a measly bowl of vegetable soup. When Mother Gothel had unchained me for a time span of ten minutes to eat my meal, I had gulped it all down in a minute. For the remaining time, I had gazed around all over my cell to find an escape area. 

I had just discovered a loose (and probably decaying) brick in the wall facing out. My hands were raw and beaten, but I had started digging anyways. The hole in the wall had enlarged and I could fit through with a little bit of a struggle.

But I didn't.

Mother Gothel caught me right before I was slipping through and she made sure never to give me a meal for the next few days. The brutal woman had kicked, punched, and cursed at me when she had found that I was trying (and utterly failing) to escape her prison.

She chained me up again. This time the shackles were tighter and it surely felt like my brittle arms were going to rip at the seams. Mother Gothel had slammed the door shut and I could overhear her talking to one of her guards never to give me any food and that she didn't care if I had starved or ran out of water.

Night was approaching and I was starting to worry. Every day since then I had hoped that someone or something would come for me.

Night after night.

Day after day.

Hour after hour.

Minute after minute.

Second after second.

Time slipped by and the only time the chains were removed were for the five minute bathroom break. Gothel had claimed that she didn't want me to "dirty her prison floors." I had rolled my eyes at that snarky comment; as if the cell wasn't disgustingly dirty anyways.

Even though I couldn't really look down, I could feel how hungry I was getting, and how dry my mouth and throat was from the lack of water or any liquid. 

The voice of Hook-Hand snapped me back to reality when I had heard him start question Ulf what he was trying to say.

For the endth time.

But since Ulf wanted to become a professional mime one day, he had sworn never to talk, only use excessive actions to say what he wanted to say.

I could tell that the man with the hook was getting quite irritated, since his tone of voice had changed. "WHAT. IS. IT." Hook-Hand practically shouted.

Ulf also looked like he was getting angry.

The mime-man kept gesturing to his stomach and after that gesture, he moved his hand towards his mouth. Ulf repeated those motions over and over again until it REALLY looked like Hook-Hand was going to rip out his mustache.

I, Eugene Fitzherbert, or better known as Flynn Rider, tried to resolve the situation.

Keyword: tried.

More like trying to keep the hooked-man from attacking Ulf.

In the end, all Ulf wanted to say was

I'm hungry.


I don't even know why an author note was up there but eh...

Word Count: 643 (Heeeeyyyy)


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