Queasing and Aching

331 15 0

Rapunzel's POV

I was sipping some herbal tea from my favorite porcelain cup, the one with tiny violet lavenders painted delicately on the sides. Sitting on a red velvet cushion, I stared out the window, hoping to see something. Particularly, Flynn. Anyways, I was so grateful that I was back in my palace. The royal guards had the chance to evacuate me to my room, so they took that chance and now I'm here! I forced a small smile on my face, even though I didn't feel like smiling at all.

The thought of Flynn somewhere that I didn't know made my stomach feel queasy, and my heart ached for Flynn. The herbal tea didn't help at all. I set down the cup carefully and continued to stare out the window. Sigh.




I jumped out of my spot and the large shake caused my teacup to fall to the ground, shattering into small pieces. Picking one up, I gazed at the small flower. 


I dropped the piece and threw my head up to see one of the guards storming in. "Come on, we have to go now!" he exclaimed loudly.

Staring at him in shock, I didn't move a muscle. The guard dashed over and linked my arm to his, a small attempt to knock me out of my gaze and to drag me along. "NO! Stop! Where are we going?" I yelled, moving my feet quickly to try to keep up with his long strides.

He turned abruptly and said, "We're under attack."


Whoa. There goes another chapter that I conjured up in my brain. So random right? Anyways, thanks to you to all of you who keep reading this as soon as I release a chapter. Today, I logged on to my computer and went into Wattpad and was like, "Whoa! Since when did I get 300 reads??"

UPDATE: Lol I'm just laughing at past self when I'm editing this thing. I used to be so sad...

Word Count: 335 (Getting there slowly...)


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