My Father

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I was lying in my room in the Ghost relaxing on my way back to the academy. This life, the Jedi, the Force, the First Order. I had heard the stories of the Empire and I knew that if I lived in that day and age, I would have worked relentlessly to stop the Empire's tyranny, and since the First Order was a continuation of it... I had no choice. But, since the day the Academy was attacked, and that man had come up to me and told me he was my Father, I didn't know what to believe.
Mother never said anything about it. She never even brought it up and never continued the conversations when I tried to ask her. I had found it best just to leave it, but I knew I would find out eventually anyway. Anyway, back to the academy, and it seemed like this would be the the last time I would see my mum in a very long time, and to be honest, I was scared. Hera was dead, the Empire was rebuilding itself as the First Order, and my Father could potentially be one of the most dangerous people in the Galaxy, and it terrified me. Honestly, I thought my family drama reached the same level as the Skywalker's.
The Ghost fell out of Hyperspace as the ship approacehed the academy, and Cahna was there waiting for us when we arrived. She had that look on her face, that excited grin. She obviously wanted to know how we got on. After Mother had informed General Leila of the discovery, we left straight back the Academy, where my Mother knew I would be safe. She hadn't spoken a word since we left, and she had a concerned look on her face. REALLY concerned, and she had a right to be, since she discovered that the First Order may or may not be rebuilding one of the most powerful weapons to have ever come into existence.
"Well?" She asked excitedly. "We got the transport," I admitted, she then launched her arms around me and nearly suffocated me. "Your first mission, and you succeeded! Master Skywalker will be pleased!" We walked back to the main Hutt at the centre of the village. Luke was waiting for us, "I'm glad your back in one piece," he said. "Yeah... we saw your sister, she's doing fine. I know." He replied, of course he knew.
Sabine followed shortly after. "Master Skywalker... is it okay if I speak to my daughter in private for a minute? Of course," he replied automatically. Everyone in the camp knew how important family was to him. "Sabine, I want you know that this may be the very last time we ever see each other." I looked down, "I know, Mother. I knew from the moment you came to pick me up." There was a moment of silence before Sabine spoke again. "I know your angry, and you want to know who your father is, so I just want to give you this." She pulled out a small cube like structure. It was made from glass, and looked fragile.
"Luke fixed this for me. If you want to know the truth about your Father, then open the Holocron, but it will hurt you, Phai." I put my had out to take it, but I hesitated. Finally, I would know what my Father became. I took the Holocron and examined it before hugging my Mother one last goodbye. We were both holding back tears. "I love you," I said to her. "I love you too. And remember, no matter how strong you grow to be, you will always be my daughter, and I will always love you no matter what happens."

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