Chapter 6

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Bucky's mission tomorrow was very important. Steve and him had been planning it for a while, but waiting for the right moment. They were going to find The Master and Bucky was going to kill him for what he'd done to his girl. When she was still asleep took a photo of her on his phone so he could print it and keep it in his pocket like he would have done back in his day. It would be with the letter that she gave him and the ring.

By the morning he'd barely slept but he didn't mind because he probably wouldn't have slept anyway. By 10am she was still sleeping so he carefully climb off the bed. Which took some skill seeing as she seems to be clinging to his chest and her arms were both wrapped tightly around his torso. Even her legs were tangled with one of his.

He didn't have time to admire how she held him even when asleep or how he slept peacefully for once or how she pressed her face into his chest.

He reluctantly manoeuvre his way out and got himself ready to go. Sitting sit on the edge of the bed he couldn't stop himself from smiling at her and admired her delicate skin and the way the apple of her cheeks, which were smushed slightly against the pillow, had gone rosy from the heat of the quilt. The way her lips held a placid smile even in sleep and looked like dewy petals. Bucky placed a fleeting kiss on her forehead and Amelia let out a sigh. He froze, afraid he'd woken her, but after a second she stilled again.

Her eyelashes fluttered like butterflies and her hand stretched out to were he was previously lying. It groped around and stopped after not finding him then her eyelids snapped open and she sat bolt upright, her head twisted around until her eyes fell on him.

"Don't worry Melie," he soothed "I'm still here."
He pushed her to lie down again and her lips pressed together, then frowned.
"Don't go." She whispered meekly and pouted.
"I have to. Besides, I'm not going just yet." He smiled, trying to lift her spirits and a half smile spread across her cheeks.

"Can you come back to bed?" She asked timidly not quite sure whether that was too forward.
"Whatever you want, doll."

So Bucky laid back in the same spot as last night and they rearranged themselves to fit incomprehensibly perfectly together like they do. They lay in contently silent like that for a good hour not even talking, just basking in each other's company and warmth.

Amelia turned her head up to look at him and his smile made her want to do ten backflips.
Eventually a film was put on although they weren't really watching. It was just background noise as she taught Bucky how to use FaceTime.

"You must call me everyday with no exceptions. And if for some reason you cannot call me I expect you to notify me with a good excuse in advance. No exceptions."
"Yes ma'am." He saluted.

"At ease soldier." She laughed playing along and curled up and enjoyed the warmth Bucky always seemed to radiate off him. He was always warm which was something you wouldn't expect for a man that had been frozen on and off for seventy years. His warmth had a different quality to that of regular heat. It was more engulfing and way more addictive.

"Come back soon. Promise?" She asked and fiddled with the corner of the duvet.
"I promise." He replied.

Amelia closed her eyes and brought his flesh hand up to her lips and kissed it. Holding it against her heart shaped lips he wanted to scream at how only recently the thought of kissing her seemed like a distant dream and now he had held her in his arms all night as she slept and was able to be kissed by her. It was maddening to him. Not that he often took the initiative to kiss her. He was too nervous.

He relaxed into her hold on him.
"I've waited 70 years, and I'd still wait a million more for you."
He stood to head to the door so she stood up with him to follow him till he had to leave her side.

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