Chapter 9

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He woke in a cold cell. The familiar smell of metal clawed its way up his nostrils and realisation overtook him. Yesterday's events played over in his mind.

"Come on Steve, I swear we've been down there. This way." He said, pointing down yet another blank corridor. They were met by a series of labs and cells. The friends separated off and Steve went to check out the labs. He looked in room after room and they were all eerily empty. That's when he heard it.

"James!" He heard Amelia's voice scream.

Panic, anger and confusion took over his body as he threw his plan for stealth to the wind and ran from cell to cell to find Amelia. He didn't know how or why she was here, but all he knew was that he needed to find her. He physically ached to stop her screams.
He came across a room with a man in a red mask sat at a desk watching a monitor with his back to him.

"Interesting isn't it," He addressed Bucky"to see who people scream for when they are scared." He chuckled. Anger surged threw him and he ran to bash his head against the wall but was stopped by a invisible barrier.

"Ahhh no no no Солдат (soldier). Don't be so silly," he laughed getting up from the desk he was sat at "if you kill me we will kill her. If you don't get into one of those cells in the next two minutes we will also kill her." He smiled through the mask he was wearing. He looked at the screen.

It showed Amelia on a metal table, screaming his name over and over again as the pumped some red liquid into her arm. Her lips would stretch until they were white as she called out his name and she let in a ragged breath as her hyperventilating cries died down before a fresh set of tears seared down her raw, red face. His heart burned with anger. More anger than he thought it possible to feel. The Master smiled. He wondered how lovesick he must be to fall for that video of when he had had her in the first book, he thought as he broke the fourth wall and looked at the reader intently staring at their phone.

Bucky backed out of the room and headed towards a cell.
"Hey what are you doing?" Steve asked he when he saw Bucky.
"They have her. And they will kill her if I don't do what they want."  He told him in a monotone voice.

"No surely not." Steve reasoned.
"Yes now go. Come back and get us out. Go." He said, slamming the cell door shut. He backed away and ran off to where we had entered.

He knew at some point he must have passed out as the cell door opened. "Вы готовы, зимний солдат? (Are you ready, Winter Soldier ?) " the Master asked his, as he stood.
"Готов выполнить. (Ready to comply.)"

He thought if he did exactly what they want they wouldn't hurt her. Either way even thought they aren't together anymore, which was hard for him to admit, he would still love and protect her with his life.
He was taken to a office with a large tv in it, on the screen it showed Amelia. There was a large bathtub full of water and she was knelt beside it.
"So," The Master started "the way this will work is you tell us what we want to know and do what we want and we won't hurt her. Ok ?"
"Anything." He pleaded.
"So let's start with the basics, what is your name ?" He asked him.
"James Buchanan Barnes."
"Wrong." He retorted, and her head was held underneath the water.
"It can't be !! That is my name !!" He tried.
"Your name is The Winter Soldier !!!! " He bellowed. He shook his head and calmed himself.
"So, Солдат (soldier), what is your name ?" He smiled smugly.
"зимний солдат (winter soldier)." He gave in.
He smiled with a triumphant grin. "Who gave you that arm ?"
"Who saved you when you fell from the train?"
"Good," his smile increased to bare his teeth as he got him right where he wanted " so who do you owe everything to ?"
"HYDRA." He sighed. Her head was pulled out and she coughed and spluttered up water. But she was still breathing.
The Master scoffed "You were created to destroy, you can never belong anywhere. Except with HYDRA."

'It's all for Amelia. It's all for Amelia, my ray of sunshine.' He thought over and over again until it became a mantra in his mind.

Anything for her. He was just happy that in one moment she loved him and he got the chance to feel whole again. The Master noticed the relief he got when she was brought out from under the water.
"I wonder," the Master smiled a devious smile "have you've ever realised that Amelia only ever said she loved you after we kept her at HYDRA. So maybe, just maybe, we brainwashed her so she would lead you back to us." He laughed as his brain sprung on the idea and his eyes widened.
"You can go back to the cell with that thought." He waved the guards that were trying to hold him to take him back to his cell. Amelia was the only thing keeping him from ripping his head off.

He knew he just had to wait and pray what he was doing would help her.

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