Chapter 12

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(This chapter might be a bit gory/ violent and one curse word so be warned)

(SPOILERS BUT SONG RECOMMENDATION: I'd recommend listening to 'The Bitter End' by Placebo for these next 2 chapters. I think it give the vibe I imagined. And the verse before the first chorus fit when she finds him. Also a piano cover of 'Sweet Dreams are made of this')

They all prepared for the day and met at the large door at the back of the jet. Amelia started to head out into the field when Steve stopped her.
"Are you sure you can do this ?" Steve asked with a worried look.
She smiled a sadly.

"You're not going without me, if that's what your suggesting, I am coming." And he nodded.

They made there way through the field and stopped just before the line of trees ended. It was about ten metres before the grass met with the edge of the lake and decided that because Steve wasn't as strong a swimmer as Nat and Amelia so they would go in and then let Steve in from there.

The assassin and spy ran as quickly as they could into the lake that met with the edge of the building. They waded in as far as they could before starting to swim until they were right next to the side of the building. Amelia and Nat tred water while they found there way into the side of the base.
"If we take the filter off then we will be able to get in." Nat explained to Amelia and she nodded in response. Nat then dived down under the slightly murky water to prise off the filter. After about half a minute she came back up after failing, gasping for air.
"I couldn't do it. I ran out of air." She explained.
"Let me try." Amelia offered. She then took a big breath and went under the water herself. She was under the tinged green water for over a minute when she came back up and smiled.
"You did it?" Nat inquiried
"Yep." She smiled proudly.
"How did you hold your breath for so long?" Nat said.
"In the Red Room you learnt ballet, but in MI5 they taught us opera."
Nat nodded, wondering what else was different about there respective training.
They continued to swim through the half filtered water until the came out in a massive tank of clear water. The climbed out and opened one of the door on the side of the building so Steve could enter. They all found a stairwell and climbed enough floors to get to were they did there evil business.
They found a floor with lots of labs and cells and figured it was their best bet to look for there friend and boyfriend there.

She held her gun at arms length ready to aim it at any attacker while searching through one of the labs. She came across a room with a dead body on the table. This poor girl lay there strewn across the metal slab with her chest cut open. She heard the scientists say: "She was one of Xaviers'. I thought she would have put up more of a fight."

All Amelia could see were her old team mates who met a similar fate. She saw her best friends lying on their own morgue tables and frowned deeply. She jumped around the corner and shot them both in the chest.

'Who is Xavier ? Why did they have her ? I must tell this Xavier about this and at least warn him. Knowing HYDRA they are probably good people.'

"Amelia, " She heard Nat whisper to her just loud enough for Amelia alone to hear "we found him."

Her heart briefly stopped and she mentally prepared herself for the worst even though she knew it would sting just as much no matter how much preparation she had. Nat pulled her into a quick but tight hug before she entered the cell he was in.
"I love you. Just know that. And I will follow you with whatever stupid stuff you do." She told her with a gentle smile.

Nat has been like a sister to her and had stuck with her even when she'd had her dramatic moments. Amelia saw her like she saw her old teammates.

"I love you too." She returned and she smiled now sadly at her and squeezed the hand holding hers.

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