Chapter 7

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* 1 month later *

It has been exactly 31 days since Bucky left for the mission and he called Amelia everyday. He said he'd be home tomorrow and she was so glad. Amelia missed him so much but it had been nice to have some serious girl time with Nat and Wanda. They were just about to go out for ice cream when Bucky called her to FaceTime's her to be exact.

She has been so impressed by how good he was with technology, he was better than Steve and he'd had longer to adjust.

"James?" Amelia stared intently at his phone screen as his face popped up.

He looks exactly the same as yesterday, but with a few extra cut on it. That's another thing she'd noticed. As soon as one cut healed another takes its place.

"Amelia!! How are you? Are you OK?" He asks her, the same as yesterday and his eyes wandered over her face to check her for signs of damage or sadness.

The way he said her name everyday was like he was still surprised technology had advanced so he could see her face from miles away.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I miss you," She smiled shyly "are you ok?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine," he brushed off the question about his own wellbeing" so what have you been doing?"

"Since yesterday ?" She laugh. He huffed.
"Yes since yesterday."

"Nothing really. Wanda and Nat are about to go out with me. But nothing really. You? What have you been doing 007?" She giggled to herself.

"Who's 007 ?" His brows met.

Sadly Amelia hadn't gotten the chance to introduce him to the world of James Bond so the joke was lost on him.

"It doesn't matter it's a book and movie reference." Amelia dismissed.
"Oh...well I've not been doing anything really." He lied.

"Really?," She ask him and he looked down awkwardly "So how did you get those cuts on your face hmm?" She ask him, playfully but really wanting a sound answer.

"I tripped and fell." He lied again. He was very good at lying most of the time. In fact he was a excellent liar. But Bucky found it difficult to lie to her. He couldn't quite stomach the thought of deceiving her.
"Your lying."

"No I'm not." He lied again.
"I know when your lying."
"Ahhh." He sighs looking like a child caught stealing sweet.
"So what have you been doing ?" She questioned him eagerly.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, you just go have fun with Wanda and Nat. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." He told her.
"Ok I love you. Be safe. Please." She almost pleaded to him.

The call ended. Amelia picked up her purse which she had placed on her bed and walked out the door still wondering what he'd actually been doing this past month.

The next day Amelia was sat on her bed fiddling on her phone when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in," She called out without looking up and stood up to go out again "Nat I was thinking maybe I sho- " She stopped. Instead of Nat stood in the door Amelia saw her favourite sight of all.


She stood starting at him not believing her eyes. She felt her whole body waver in its action and her heart flutter like a bird finally flying free. She ran up to him and enveloped him in a hug, wrapping her legs around his middle and her arms around his neck.
"Hey Melie." He said. His voice just the same as she remembered it and not the altered phone version.

Bucky thought that hug reminded him of their first hug those many months ago. The one where he realised the extent of his feelings for Amelia. And this was the same, it showed him how much he cared for her. He held her in the hug and held her up seeing as she was clinging to him. Not that he mind one bit.

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