3. newspaper

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When Tyler approaches Debby's house, he wants to drop on his knees and thank God, that he made it to 3 p.m. and managed to arrive back here. This day was so eventful he doubted he would ever breathe calmly again.

It was horrible, yes, but he had been prepared for much worse. After lunch nobody spoke to him; probably word after him travelled quickly through people's mouth. During the last period Brendon burst into a classroom, almost 10 minutes late, wearing that never-disappearing smirk on his face.

"Mr. Urie, what a surprise you decided to visit us," a teacher, looking like a music theory lady's sister, sat at her desk and pointed at empty desks he could sit by.

"Hey, Ms. Edwards," he smiled and winked.

"Keep your charms to your girls, Mr. Urie," she answered and at that moment Brendon walked exactly in Tyler's direction. Tyler wanted to stand up and run away, but could only turn his head away and pretend he was not there. It didn't help, Brendon had already pushed empty chairs from his way and reached the one exactly beside Tyler.

"Some day we will recite poetry to one another," he continued the talk with his teacher, sliding onto an empty chair.

"The poetry unit isn't until next semester, so you'll have to stow your sonnets until then." She pulled a yellow slip of paper out of the drawer and walked to him. "Don't be too disappointed. We do have a date tomorrow morning. Six forty-five a.m. in the library." She winked back at him, as she laid the detention slip on his desk.

Brendon rolled his eyes, but his smile even widened, when he looked to his right side at Tyler's face. Tyler even tried his best to stay stone-faced for the whole hour, but failed this time, as Brendon constantly had to throw some flirty comments towards the teacher and him.

Tyler wasn't even mad at him. That guy wasn't doing anything bad and have been the only one from probably hundreds, besides that curly boy from stairs, that didn't judge him. He kept funny staring at him and embarrassing himself in front of the whole class. He seemed like a good company, and apparently Tyler also seemed like a good company to him. Tyler probably begins to like Brendon. He makes the shy boy forget about the reality surrounding him and even pulls out of him a little smile.

He gets inside the house and throws his backpack somewhere on the floor, when suddenly he can hear his phone buzzing. It must be Debby or his mother, nobody else calls him anymore.

He doesn't call anybody either, just uses his phone in most necessary situations; to text Debby, where he is, or that he will be a little late. Nothing else. Debby understands and never asks any more questions. She never asks, how's his day been, or if he did finally meet some friends. She knows he won't answer.

It's a message from Debby. She went out for some food and will be back in an hour. Great, because Tyler is starving. Debby never cooks her own meals, because she can't cook. Neither can tyler. He just can bake something, but nothing too great.

Meals aren't awkward with Debby. She talks enough for both of them and doesn't seem to have a problem with it. He's not even sure she needs him sitting at a table.

She and brendon are the most talkative people he has ever met. He hasn't lived with her for a long time, but he would be already able to write some biography about her. He knows names of all her boyfriends, her whole childhood story, and what is every neighbour like.

Finally Debby comes back, they eat a dinner, she talks and laughs, they finish eating and she tells him she's going to nap for an hour to be conscious enough at work. And now he doesn't know, what to do.

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