8. emancipation

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there are some mentions of violence in this chapter; nothing too graphic, though, only mentions, but read carefully and stay good.

Play the song: "No Friend" by Paramore.

Brendon runs into Josh at school before the first bell. As much, as Josh still doesn't have a mood to talk to him, he isn't quick enough to walk away, because Brendon taps his back.

"What's up?"

Josh rolls his eyes and shoves a middle finger onto his face. Brendon tried to call Josh yesterday after school, but Josh hadn't been going to answer, and he didn't, no matter, how many times his phone had buzzed. It would be different, if Brendon was actually concerned what had happened to Tyler, or whether he was alright or not, but he just wanted to know, if Tyler was pissed off at him. Josh didn't give him that satisfaction and didn't tell him. He hoped Tyler was really pissed off at Brendon. He should be.

Brendon doesn't care and asks, "My mom was at yours today morning, yeah?"

"Yes, she was," Josh grunts.

"What did she want?"

Josh rolls his eyes once again. Brendon is the real pain in the ass, and he never realizes that. How is it possible? "What do you think she wanted? She brought some food, asked about my love life, complained about you. That's it." Brendon nods.

"Yeah, you know, how my mom can sometimes be," he smirks at Josh.

"What?" Josh raises his eyebrows in fake confusion. "She's ten times better than you. I can't believe you are her son."

"Shut up, Josh." They walk in silence in one direction, looking at full of life students hurrying to their classes. Unlike them, Josh and Brendon walk as slowly as it's possible in a crowded hallway. "What about Tyler?" Brendon asks finally, turning to Josh.

"What about Tyler? He brought me cookies this morning, before your mom came."

"Cookies? Man..." Brendon mumbles.

"Yes, cookies. Homemade. I found them at my door early morning. I guess it was some kind of apology, or something. At least he tried to apologize in some way, in comparison to you."

"He doesn't want to talk to me," Brendon tells him with a smile, and Josh wonders, what's so funny. That he was acting like a dick and made somebody angry? Congratulations. Besides, Tyler doesn't talk.

"Of course. Leave him alone," Josh says.

"Are you still pissed at me, too?" Brendon asks.

"Pissed? At you? Not at all."

"Great." He smiles stupidly not even aware Josh wasn't serious. "Come on, I dropped off at your house some really cute boy, unconscious, who doesn't talk. That's like a gift."

Josh stops walking to look at him, wondering, yet again, why they are friends. He knows him well enough to know, that he's not being serious right now. Brendon is an ass and a whore, but he's not a complete douchebag. Still, he can't help but call him on it. He deserves it this time.

"Well, sorry then," Josh apologizes with an utter lack of conviction, and keeps walking. "I thought you were just asking me to clean up your mess, but I didn't realize you were being that great friend and giving me an unresponsive boy to fuck. Next time, be a little clearer for me, so I don't miss such a golden opportunity." He can't hide the sarcasm in his tone and he isn't even trying to.

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