12. silent communication

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apparently i can't write chapters with less than 3k words.

Play the song: "Ground Control" by All Time Low feat. Tegan and Sara.

Despite the annoyance visible in Josh's behavior a few days ago in the garage, he appears at Tyler's door on Sunday, as promised to Brendon's mom, fifteen minutes before six, to give him a ride to a dinner at Urie's. But honestly, Tyler didn't really expect him to change plans just because he was sort of pissed at him; that guy has some manners, after all.

None of them commented in school, what happened on Monday, and none of them probably ever will, even if Tyler decides to come to that garage once again. If he will, he doesn't know. He has to be in special mood to do find a courage to come there.

When he sees the black car from his bedroom window pulling into the driveway, he runs downstairs to the kitchen, to grab the cake he baked again. Everybody seemed to like it that time, so this one tastes the same like the chocolate cake a week ago, but looks different this time. He really hopes any member of the family won't mind.

He has to get the dish from refrigerator with one hand, because his left hand is still in cast, and it happens to be really difficult. Debby left the house half an hour ago, so he has to deal with it by himself. He tries to somehow adjust it between his forearm and his chest, and closes the refrigerator using his elbow.

A knock on the door echoes through the empty hallway exactly at the time Tyler leaves the kitchen. He is holding the cake in his right hand, and his left hand is not really useful when it comes to grabbing a doorknob, especially now, so he's standing here for a few moments, not really knowing what to do, but aware, that there's a person waiting opposite of him at the other side of the door.

Eventually he puts the dish on the floor to be able to open the door with his right hand.

Josh is standing on the porch, dressed all in black again, with his hands in a pocket of his hoodie, wearing an expression on his face as if he were picking Tyler up for a date.

"Hello, sweetheart," he greets Tyler with a quite nice tone in his voice. Tyler expected maybe some mockery from him, but not that drastic change of the situation. He still feels weird around him. For some reason everything feels a little bit better in that garage.

Tyler still doesn't know, what's the thing exactly with Josh calling him those names, he is convinced Josh is making fun of him, but even if he's not, Tyler obviously greets him with silence.

Tyler hates to admit, how good he is looking now like this, even in all black, in probably random clothes he picked from his closet, not even trying to look good. His yellow hair moves a little bit from a wind, falling on his forehead.

And it seems like it's going to rain; the sky changed into dark colours, bringing a huge rain cloud with itself. Even though Tyler loves to watch the sky, especially adores the rain and watching how clouds roll, he didn't notice that today. Everything is so fast in this city. Not like in his old home.

But maybe he was just too busy with baking the cake, or too busy blaming himself, that he didn't ask his aunt, if she could buy him some new clothes. He had to wear the same old outfit he wore a week ago, but now, seeing Josh, he could as well put on his large hoodie and go out. Would it seem like he didn't care?

Well, it would be a lot easier, if Brendon's parents looked down their noses at him, disliked him, and last week's dinner turned out forced and uncomfortable, but unfortunately none of this happened. Now Tyler has to pretend he feels happy to see them again and isn't afraid of anything at all. It's not that he doesn't like them. They seem like a really nice family, but the thing is, he doesn't fit in there and probably never will. It's a surprise they invited him again. Maybe they did this only because he seemed nice to them. Well, he tried to, but was he really? Staying silent and not joining dinner conversations isn't very kind, and the only thing proving, that he cared about the meeting was his cake.

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