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Play the song: "Since We're Alone" by Niall Horan.

The next time Tyler finds himself inside Josh's actual house is some day a week later. During the current week they aren't actually talking to each other, not that Tyler talks at all, but they confine themselves only to singular glances in school hallways or in class. None of them thinks that they need people to know about them, whatever they both are. Brendon, being a friend with both of them, still doesn't suspect anything, even though he hassles with them all the time.

And maybe that's not exactly about the pact of silence they made, but particular events that happened and unknown thoughts that started crowding their minds the last night they were together. They ate in silence that night, but still sharing mysterious glances.

Tyler doesn't think they started moving away from each other this week. He even thinks the relation between them has got better and they've got more comfortable around each other. But this doesn't change a fact, that after that night Tyler suddenly got more bashful of looking at Josh in the eyes.

However, his face lights up, when Josh startles him on a parking lot and tells him to hop inside his car, especially after all the distance during the whole week.

They already ate a dinner cooked by Josh, who gets to impress Tyler even more. He's not some spectacular cooker you can find on tv shows, but he really can cook. Tyler wouldn't be able to do so. Cooking seems like a skill out of this world to him and apparently to his aunt, too, that's why they usually order food home. But Josh tells Tyler he has to eat real food. Tyler feels like a newly born child learning new rules.

He isn't talking much, as always, especially whilst eating, unless Josh tells him something, so he has a time to think again, how quickly everything changed.

It was like a blink of an eye; When he was scared to visit that garage for the second time, because he was convinced he wasn't welcome there; And it wasn't so long ago when Tyler practically lost his mind when he made a sound for the first time, in front of him. And now they are alone in his house, eating together and enjoying each other's presence. It's overwhelming to pick up the pace with following events, but hopefully they lead to something better.

"Your aunt visited me the other day," Josh says, noticing that Tyler zoned out somewhere in space and stopped eating.

"Oh, yes. I know," Tyler answers, startled. He looks away.

"She told you?" Josh asks, surprised.

"Yes, why not?" Tyler shrugs.

"I don't know," Josh mumbles. "She was kind of pissed off." He smirks at Tyler.

"Yeah, I know," Tyler says, still looking at a table. "She had a right to be."

"Well, I don't know."

"What did she tell you?" Tyler finally looks up, playing with a fork, placing the long part along his nose.

"I don't remember well," Josh laughs. "But she just told me that you had been sneaking out at night, and she wanted answers. I told her, that we had been hanging out and you had just been watching me work in the garage."

Tyler nods. That's accurate.

"Did you know you have a tracker in your phone?" Josh asks after a second of silence.

"Of course I did," Tyler smiles, probably for the first time this day. "Did you think I didn't know?"

"Well, I'm just wondering what she would think seeing that you were sneaking out every night to go to some foreign neighbourhood, thinking that she didn't know about it."

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