Fluffy Captain America one shot [He doesn't die in this one I swear]

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A/N: Okay, before I start can I point out how sad it is that my title has to include 'he doesn't die in this one I swear' ? I'm a terrible person for killing Steve off so much... *shakes head sadly, laughing* I'm strange. Comment the strangest trait of yours

Prompt: Steve has a girlfriend that's blind- he's spent the last three years being her eyes whilst Dr. Banner was trying to figure out how to give her the ability to see. She's scared, afraid that something will go wrong and she'll never be able to talk to Steve again (i.e. she'd die)


Dear Diary,

First off, I have no idea how many spelling error's I'm about to make. I'm typing this out on a computer and using a Braille keyboard.

For the past twenty two years I've been blind. I was born blind- my eyes were destined to never work. Then, five years ago I met Steve. Since then, he's been my eyes. No, Steve isn't a guide dog- although I used to have one- he's my boyfriend.

Steve's friend, Bruce, is an amazing scientist that thinks he may be able to fix my vision... or lack there of. I've spent two months telling myself that it may bot be possible.

According to Steve I have bright red hair and light gray, almost white, eyes. I'm tall, probably around 5'9 he says, and very skinny. Which is understandable because I barely ever eat anything. I can't cook, becasue I'm blind if that wasn't obvious, and Steve says he burns everything- including water.

I don't know what any colors look like- except black I suppose because that's the only thing I've seen since I was born. And there's no way to describe a color, so I may never know what colors are.

I fell in love with Steve because of his personality. That's the good thing about being blind- you learn to appreciate people's personalities. Looks don't matter when you're blind. All I really know about Steve's appearance is that he's tall, about 6'2 or 6'3, and strong. But, he's Captain America so I suppose he has to be strong. Steve told me he has blue eyes and blond hair. He says that when he was younger, he used to be really small and skinny- and had brown eyes.

Steve was the lone recipient of the completed Super Soldier Serum- which is why he's tall and strong now. I told him that it doesn't matter to me if he's small and skinny or tall and strong, I'll love him the same either way.


"Les?" Steve asks. I know his voice well, considering I've lived with him for two years.

"Yes love?" I ask, turning in the direction of his voice.

"I have great news." From his tone, I assume he's smiling.

"What is it?" I ask eagerly.

"Bruce thinks he can fix your vision." Steve states. It's like the world freezes- I may be able to finally see like everyone else.

"Really?" I ask, so shocked my voice is almost silent. Suddenly, I'm engulfed in a pair of warm arms. Steve's hugging me...

"He's nearly 100 percent sure he'll be able to make it so you can see. He just needs your consent." Steve whispers in my ear.

"I give it!" I exclaim, hugging him back. "I'd love to be able to see what the world looks like- rather than hear it being described to me. No- no offense Steve, I mean, having you describe things for me is fantasticly helpful but to actually be able to see what causes the sounds I hear- well- it's like a dream come true."

Steve laughs. "I understand Leslie. Let's go talk to Bruce."


\Well, we talked to him. To say the least... turns out I may die during the procedure. But that's something I guess I'm willing to risk becasue by this time tomorrow I'll be in surgery. Here's to hoping all goes well



I'm about to go to my surgery- I asked Steve to type this for me. Word for word. He agreed, obviously. I'm so nervous. I was just told I had to go- wish me luck.


"See you when you wake." Steve whispers to me, kissing my forehead. I grin.

"I won't know you when I wake. You'll have to speak first." I say wryly, feeling the sharp yet quick pain of a needle going into my arm. Then I got really sleepy and let myself fall into the abyss I call my dreams.


When I woke, the first thing I noticed is there was somehting covering my eyes.

"Sorry Les, had to cover your eyes so they could adjust to the lighting." Steve says, slowly unwrapping whatever it is that's covering my eyes.

Slowly, I start to make out images. Specifically the image of a person standing near me- tall and strong. The person opens its mouth to speak.

"Hello Leslie." Steve says.

"Oh my god... I can see." I whisper. "I can see you."

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