Bleeding Out pt 2 [Phoenix Hearts]

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A/N: Yes you read right, Bleeding Out part 2. Go on, freak out, I can wait. Can I point out that the picture on the side looks like a drawing of me with brown hair? It's scary. Anyways, still Genderbent Bucky, kay? Kay :)

What could have been hours later  I was engulfed in freezing cold water. My eyes shot open and I realized two, no, three things.

One, I wasn't dead. That one was the obvious one, I mean, Hydra gave me a modified version of the serum Steve was given and he heals really fast, therefore it makes sense if I heal fast. Which I do.

Two, judging from the thrashing/frantic yet somewhat useless flailing, Steve was alive too. I hoped with every fiber in my being that I hadn't broken his neck and he was only alive because he healed.

Three, I had just inhaled a mouthful of river water.

I scanned the dark waters around me, searching for the man in question. Just yards away I could see his blonde hair and air bubbles that I knew were coming from him. I swam forward, wary of anything that might think I'm a tasty snack, and wrapped an arm around the panicked soldier. I dragged him to the surface, swimming for shore. I spluttered and coughed, forcing the water out of my lungs.

The shore was close, but not close enough. Someone would see us. Someone would see me. It didn't matter, I needed to get Steve to safety. I'd worry about myself later.

"Jamie?" Steve croaked.

"Yes?" I asked, still swimming. I didn't dare turn around, we were too close to stop now.

"Why are you pulling me to shore?" He asked. I froze for a moment.

"Because you were drowning and I didn't wanna lose you." I answered as I started swimming again. "You're a lot heavier then you used to be." I reached the shore quickly and pulled Steve out of the water. Something was missing.

I stared at Steve for a while, trying to figure out what was missing, then it hit me. His shield. I waded back into the water and started searching, hoping the current hadn't carried it off.

I started collecting my thoughts as I searched for the shield. I was alive, so was Steve, and I remembered him. I remembered us. That would be a shock, I was sure of it. I technically just left Hydra, told them I was dead, and saved Steve even though my original goal/mission was to kill him.

Love does strange things, doesn't it?

As the sun started setting I finally found the circular nuisance and lugged it back to the shore.

"Found your shield Steve." I said. Steve stared at me for a few seconds.

"You remember?" He asked. I nodded.

"I remember... now." I answered. "I assume you were awake during my whole... breakdown."

Steve grinned awkwardly. "I was." He confirmed. "It killed me not to stop you, but I knew you'd be okay." He stood up carefully. "And you are okay, right?"

"I think I'm a lot better than okay." I answered. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too Jamie." Steve smiled.

And oh, our angels soar

Ready for war

And my heart is yours

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