Bleeding Out [Female/Genderbent Bucky. Angst-y. Trigger warning]

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A/N: This is sad, based off a song, an alternate ending to CA:TWS but Bucky is a girl not a guy. Pic of the female Bucky on the side. The song is also on the side.

"You know me." The familiar yet so very unfamiliar man told me. Anger flashed across my face.

"No I don't!" I yelled. Why was he insisting I did? I lunged at him, attacking him. His blue eyes seems so familiar...

"I'm not going to fight you..." He said, dropping his shield. "Your name is Jamie Barnes..."

"Shut up!" I screamed, hitting him.

"You're my friend..." His voice was almost pleading, and he hesitated. Like the girl he thought I was, was more than just his friend.

"You're my mission!" I yelled, forcing painful thoughts from my mind. I attacked him again, my metal prosthetic connecting with his skin more than once or twice. I didn't count, it hurt me less if I didn't.

Soon the man, my mission, was beaten black and blue and bloody.

"Then finish it... because I'm with you til the end of the line..." He choked out. The words were familiar, I'm with you til the end of the line. I hesitated then remembered the words drilled into my memory from the very start. Never hesitate.

I hit him one more time and heard a sickening crack, the noise of bone breaking. The man's eyes went dim. 

Mission accomplished. Target eliminated.

I felt a somewhat satisfied smirk make it's way onto my face.

Memories surfaced, from a time I barely remembered. All of them involved the man I just killed. 

"Steve?" His name spilled out of my mouth, almost like a sob. I stared down at my bloody metal fist, blood that belonged to the man laying lifeless in front of me. My best friend. I killed my best friend.

More painful memories, again all involved Steve. This time, the memories kind of implied that me and him were in a relationship.

I dropped to my knees. "Steve? Wake up!" I cried. "Please, wake up."

I frantically felt for his pulse, in denial of the obvious. He couldn't be dead.

I sobbed harder, clinging to his tight-fit suit.

"Please... I love you."

Some part of me knew that when I returned to Hydra, I'd be brainwashed again. The process, to say the least, was extremely painful. I couldn't go back. Not if I wanted to keep my memories of Steve.

My knife glinted in the sunlight streaming through the glass. A sudden thought came to mind, the image of my knife meeting the delicate skin on my wrist seemed appealing.

I kissed Steve's lifeless lips and got up, grabbing my knife off the floor. I yanked my sleeve up, exposing my flesh-and-bone arm. I pressed the cool metal, feeling the pressure on my veins. I inhaled sharply and pressed harder then quickly slid it off my wist. A line of red appeared almost instantly, my own blood dripped onto the glass and mixed with Steve's. I made another cut right below the first then sat next to Steve.

"I'll see you soon..." I whispered, laying down next to him. I closed my eyes, complete darkness overtaking me as I did. I could feel myself getting weaker, feel my heartbeat slow down.

"Winter Solider, report." A voice said. It repeated itself and I smiled faintly.

"Asset down. It will not be returning." I told the voice, one of my commanding officers that was speaking to me over a communication's unit. My voice was barely audible. I weakly reached up and ripped the unit from my ear then threw it, never once opening my eyes.

"I love you Steve..." I whispered, knowing I was using my last breath to speak to a dead man.

I'm bleeding out

So if the last thing that I do

Is bring you down

I'll bleed out for you

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