Only Human

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[no prompt, no background info, just start reading]

I see tattoos, and dark brown hair, and a young face stained with tears. I see a girl that's only human. I'm only human.

I don't see a robot. I don't see a machine made for killing.

"Agent Clocksworth-"

"Campbell. My last name is Campbell." I snap, spinning around to face the agent calling my name. I cross my arms, hiding my bleeding wrists.

"Captain Rogers is looking for you." The agent murmurs. I scoff and turn around again so he can't see my face.

"Well tell him he can stop looking. And that I'm sorry..." My voice is quiet, almost like if I say the words too loudly it'll make the truth of what I'm planning on doing that much more real. "Can you leave me alone now?"

The agent doesn't reply, just walks away. I turn to stare at the door then walk to my window and climb out onto the roof, steps away from the end I plan on receiving.

"Tara?" A voice calls out. My eyes widen and I duck behind something, thankful I was built to be an assassin for once in my life-time.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter. I get up and walk closer to the edge. "I'm sorry-"

"TARA!" Steve yells. "Tara, no!"

"I love you. Please forgive me." I mutter my goodbye and make that final step. That final leap towards my end. The one fall I won't survive... I don't plan on surviving at least.

[They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes. This I've proven to be true.

The first thing I saw was waking up for the first time in that lab with it's harsh lighting. I saw you telling me who I was, what I was. Who I was destined to be.

Why would you tell me I was destined to die? Did you see this moment, did you plan it?

The next thing I saw was myself getting my first of many tattoos.

My life was playing itself out before my eyes and I was the cause. Me, myself, and I. I caused this all.]

The next moment I see, isn't a moment from my past. It's now. It's Natasha comforting Steve as he stands where I last stood.


"Why do you comfort him, Agent Romanoff?"

                 "He loved her. He loved her, and she loved him back, but she still jumped. And it was justified, because she was only human and you expected her to be a mindless killing machine. That's why I comfort him, Fury. I comfort him because he loved her."

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